A Wedding Craze

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                Author's note
How about this? Paticia and her boyfriend, Mitchie, announced that they were getting married and now the big day has finally arrived. I promise you, you'll love this one. And yes, Cassandra, Bruno and Bradley are still in this one.       

                Cassandra's p.o.v
Bradley, Bruno and Alex sat on the couch as we all waited for Patricia to get out of the bathroom and show off her dress.

"Patricia, the wedding is today, hun. You gotta get out and let us see." I said.

"Cassandra, you stay. Everyone else out." Patricia said.

"Patricia, I'm your sister," Alex said.

"Get out! All of you!" Patricia yelled.

"Alright, babe," Bradley kissed me. "We'll be in the chapel."

"Ok," I said. "We'll see you there."

Bruno came up and playfully came in for a kiss. I put my fingers to his lips.

"Go," I giggled. He did a cute pout and left. I went to Patricia's bathroom and slowly opened the door. "Can I come in?"

I came in and Patricia grabbed me into a hug. She wouldn't stop crying. I didn't know what was wrong with her.

"Patricia, what's wrong?" I asked. "You're crying your make-up off."

"I can't do this!" she cried. "I can't marry Mitchie. Something doesn't feel right."

"What doesn't feel right? I don't understand. He's a perfect match for you."

"That's the problem, he's so perfect. I feel like I'm gonna fuck things up, really bad. And plus, he's a devot Christian. You know how many times I've been to church every single Sunday, before Mitchie brought me with him?"

"Wild guess, maybe...four?"

"WE ONLY WENT ON HOLIDAYS!" Patricia cried in my lap. I rolled my eyes.

"But he still loves you the same, right? He didn't complain or have any issues. He just brought you along with him. I don't know if you know this, but that's real love, right there."

Someone knocked on the door. It was Mitchie.

"Honey, you okay? Alex told me you were crying." Mitchie said.

"He's so perfect, he says honey," Patricia cried in a whisper.

"Um, she poked herself in the eye with the mascara," I lied. "And she thought dyeing her hair was a bad idea. Then she nearly cried the make-up off and thought she was ugly. Easy fix. I got it." I winked at Patricia. She smiled.

"Ok," Mitchie said. "Thank you so much for helping Patricia."

"She's my friend, when would I not help her?" I said.

"See ya out there, my love," Mitchie said and walked out the door.

"Cassandra," Patricia said.


"Can you put my face back on?"

We both started to laugh.


                    Author's p.o.v
It was time for the wedding to start. Everyone took their seats and waited for the bride to walk down the aisle. Cassandra was her maid of honor and Alex was apart of the bridesmaids.

The bridesmaids walked down the aisle first. Cassandra walked in with Bradley. Alex walked in with Bruno. Freida walked in with Calvin.

Mitchie winked at Cassandra as everyone went to their places and Cassandra winked back. Bruno and Bradley didn't like that, Mima gave them a stare and they calmed down.

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