Pig or Cow?

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Cassandra's p.o.v

Negative was the word on the pregnancy strip. I sighed a breath of relief and threw the test on the floor. Then I pulled my panties up and my dress back down. Bruno ran his fingers through his hair and the slid them down his face.

"Bruno, why do you seem pissed?" I asked. "I'm not pregnant."

"I just wanted-"

"Cassandra, you in there?" Patricia knocked not be door. "There's no need to be embarrassed. Nobody believed her."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute." I answered. "Now what were you saying, Bruno?"

"It's not important. We should get back to the wedding." he answered.

"No, finish what you were saying," I said. "Please. I don't want to go out there right now."

"Why not?"

"Bruno, please," I begged and pulled his face closer to mine. I looked in his eyes and he looked in mine.

"Okay." He said. His lips were almost touching mine. I closed my eyes and felt his lips touch my forehead.

"Really?" I smirked. "That's it?"

"What do you think I'm all about, sex?"

"The new you, um, yes."

"Well, you're wrong."

I sarcastically gasped. "I am shocked."

"Other than my songs, what's changed?" he asked.

"Bruno....I just miss the old you. Ya know, fun, a little sex here and there, young, wild and free. I miss that you. You've changed. I wish I could get you back."

"Well, we're both turning thirty. Face it, we're getting old," Bruno laughed.

"There's the old Bruno coming out of you. And you turn thirty in October. I turn thirty in December. It's June, so let's stay twenty-nine as long as we can. Okay?"

"Okay. You know, only one thing about me hasn't changed."

"What is that?"

"My love for you."


Bruno's face came against mine.

"Kiss me," he said.

"Bruno, no," I put my hand on his chest. "Bradley's out there. I can't do this again."

"Do you want me?"

"More than ever. But we can't-"

Our lips crashed together and Bruno wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips traveled down to my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Bruno, please." I moaned. "We have to stop."

Bruno said nothing and sucked on my neck as he slipped himself inside of me. I bit my lip in pleasure as I couldn't help but laugh. Bruno stopped.

"You're crying." he said. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm laughing." I looked all over the bathroom and then back to Bruno. "When we were dating and we went to Patricia's house, remember how I wanted to do it on the bathroom floor?"

"Yeah. Why?" Bruno asked.

"You said the bathroom floor was too nasty."

"What's your point?"

"Well, now we're not dating and we're having sex on a fucking bathroom floor!" I laughed and then my laughter turned into tears.


"You have turned me into an emotional freak! What the hell, Bruno!" I slid from under him and pulled my dress back down. "My boyfriend is out there, looking for me. My friends believe that I'm over you. My sister almost got me and you caught! You nearly got me pregnant! And I'm supposed to be chill about this?"

"Now, like a minute ago, you said you wanted me!" Bruno shot back. "You're not so innocent as people believe you are!"

"Really, Bruno? You're going that far? Who's the one who took my virginity? Hmm??"

"You let me take it!"

"And three years after you took it, you went and switched to Jessica!"

"Is this what this is all about??"

"You cheated on me and you want me to do the same to Bradley so...oh my gosh!!! You're tryna play the good guy!! You're trying to be innocent! You want me to cheat on Bradley so I can feel guilty about leaving you!!"

"Now stop right there!" Bruno snapped.

"Is that what I am to you? Some toy??" I yelled.

"I would never do that to you-"

"You never loved me. All of that 'I always loved you' crap wasn't real!"

"Cassandra, shut up! Shut up!!"

I closed my mouth and my back hit the wall and Bruno came closer to me.

"I have always loved you. That is never gonna change about me. I don't care if you marry Bradley. I don't care if you have a lot of kids with him. I don't care if you don't love me back. I will never stop loving you."


"No, I'm not done. If I could turn back time, I would never have done that funny or die video. I would've never let Jessica into the house. If I could turn back time....you would be married to me, right now and we would be happy.....together." Bruno was near crying himself. I cupped his face in my hands.

"Bruno, do a favor for me, okay?" I said.


"Forget about me."


"Let me go. It's killing me to know that you still love me. Please just forget about me."

"No, I can't-"

"Please! Bruno I'm begging you! I can't take this anymore! Please!"

Bruno grabbed me into a hug and squeezed me tight. "No! Cassandra, you don't get to run from me!"

"I can and I will!" I screamed while trying to push him off. "It's not that hard to forget about me!"

"Just like you forgot about me??"

"Now Bruno, that's not fair..."

"I don't care." Bruno held my shoulders and looked into my eyes. He was exhausted from yelling. His eyes looked down to my lips. "Who do you want?"


"Me or Bradley? Pig or Cow?"

"Oh, don't go all Grey's Anatomy on me." I blushed.

"Who?" Bruno pecked my lips. "Me?" Bruno kissed me, again. "Or Bradley?"

I moaned as his member brushed against my area.

"Who do you choose?" Bruno was kissing and licking my neck while grinding on me.

"I want you..."

"There you go, baby."

"But I choose Bradley...."

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