You're not fine

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                   Cassandra's p.o.v
"Babe, you ready?" Bradley asked from the bedroom. I was in the bathroom finishing up my hair and makeup.

"Almost," I answered. "One more curl and I'll be done."

Bradley came in the bathroom and hugged me by the waist. I smiled and he kissed me. "You're so beautiful," he said. "Perfect, actually."

"Trust me, I'm not perfect." I giggled. "Okay, I'm done. Let's go."


People were coming in the building and taking their seats. We all greeted each other with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Bradley walked his mom in and she grabbed me into a motherly tight hug.

"Bradley's told me lots about you, Cassandra." she said.

I didn't know how to answer that, so I just smile and did a quick giggle.

"So, when's the wedding?" she asked.

"May of 2017." I answered. "You'll be sitting front row-"

"Cassandra, darling!" My mom called.

"One second," I told Bradley's mom. I kissed Bradley's cheek and went to my mother.

"Hey mom," I said. "Um, you'll be sitting along with me, Bradley and his mom. Right this way."

As I was walking to our table, I bumped into someone. It was Jessica, again.

"Oh pardon me," she snickered. "I was looking for my fiancè, have you seen him?"

My mom grabbed my wrist. "Don't let her ruin your night." she whispered.

"No, I haven't," I said through a fake smile. "But I hope you find him and your seat."

"Why, thank you." Jessica said. "So, Mrs. Cassandra Cooper. Hm. It fits you well. Better than Hernandez will never."

"Jessica..." I clinched my fist. "I would advise you to go take your seat,"

"Okay, I'm going." she said. "And if you see Bruno, tell him his fiancé is looking for him." She flipped her hair and walked away.

"Mom," I said. "She's really pushing my buttons. If she says one me more thing to me, I'm going to jail for murder."

"Oh, hush that up." My mom fixed one of my curls. "Let's go to our table."

"Bradley," I said. "This is my mom."

"Nice to meet you," he said as he shook her hand and then pulled out her chair.

"What a gentleman." my mom said. "Thank you."

I smiled at Bradley.

"Oh, Cassandra." Bradley said. "Bruno's looking for you."

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

"I don't know. You want me to come with you?"

I thought about that. With Bradley coming with me would help me from wanting Bruno. I shook my head yes, and held his hand. We walked away from our table and walked to the balcony. I saw Bruno there.

"Bruno?" I called.

He turned around and saw Bradley. Bruno have me a look. I could tell he was wondering why Bradley was there.

"You were looking for me?" I asked.

"Yeah, about that thing I wanted to tell you." Bruno answered. "Does Bradley have to be here?"

"Why can't he be here?" I asked.

"Babe, it's okay. I can leave." Bradley assured.

"Bradley, no." I said. "Stay."

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