
"That's Kim Taehyung. He used to work here, but he had to leave because he suddenly became mates with Namjoon."

"Oh~ so he's the one that found a soft spot in our asshole of a boss?"

"Apparently he's a lot nicer than he acts at work."

Taehyung sat at the hostess desk, wiping his nose. There were two omegas behind him, newly hired, because Taehyung stopped working and Jimin now only worked when Namjoon needed extra help on weekends. Jooyeon was on his lap, sipping his peach soda and wiping his red nose, because the pup had also cried when he thought Taehyung was leaving for good again. But he was happy now, munching on his chips and soda while Namjoon came out of his office with his trench coat.

"Here, Tae." Namjoon wrapped the coat around Taehyung's arms and the omega looked up, sniffling. "M'sorry for what happened, okay? Do you want me to make you anything special?"

Taehyung blinked, puckering his lips. Namjoon smiled and pressed his lips to them, and Taehyung giggled. "Yes please."

"What do you want?" Namjoon asked, standing.

"Mm," Taehyung frowned, holding Namjoon's hand. "Surprise me."

Namjoon nodded, gently patting his shoulders before walking away. The two omegas behind Taehyung were gaping, because they had never seen their boss so soft and kind and touchy like that. They stared at Taehyung with a sort of amazement, and the omega was casual, kissing the top of Jooyeon's head and taking one of his chips and trying it.

Moments later, Namjoon came and sat the two of them down at a table not far from the hostess desk, so the two omegas crawled secretly above and watched as Namjoon set down three plates of food, and he sat down in front of Taehyung.

"Try this one," Namjoon said eagerly, excited to show off his cooking skills to someone other than Jungkook for once, "say ah."

The hostess's gasped as Namjoon spoon fed Taehyung a shrimp, and the two of them exchanged glances. "No way. Our boss did not just do cute shit."

Taehyung sang. "Mm~! That's good." Taehyung said brightly, chewing happily with a big grin. "Joonie, you try it."

"J-Joonie—" one of them choked.

And the cute interaction carried on, and slowly, more of Namjoon's workers came over to watch. Eight servers and the two hostesses, and four chefs came out to watch with a sort of shocked amazement as Taehyung grabbed Namjoon's tie and brought him closer across the table.

"H-he grabbed boss's tie—"

"He's gonna get his ass beat—"

But to their surprise, Namjoon rolled his eyes and sat back down, only to tell Taehyung to come and sit on his lap. His four chefs gasped in horror as Taehyung sat down on his lap and turned his head, and the two began gently kissing. All the omegas squealed at how adorable they were being, while the alpha chefs all gazed with absolute disgust and shock.

The pup at their table made a loud gagging noise, and the pup pointedly turned away while sipping his peach soda.

"O-our boss is actually a huge softie—!"

"I mean, duh, did you not see him reading all those dumb romance novels when he didn't have a mate?"

"I didn't work that long here!"

"Oho, so who has the senior card here, bitch?"

"What in the name of fuck are you all doing at the hostess desk?"

All conversation froze up as Namjoon's voice suddenly sounded loudly from in front of them, and they all turned their heads to see Namjoon glowering at them from his seat, while Taehyung was laying casually on Namjoon's lap, his head resting in his neck. Taehyung had his one of his arms wrapped around Namjoon's shoulders, and the other one was resting on his chest. The workers all scrambled back to their places, mumbling something about losing car keys and wallets or using the bathroom.

Namjoon shook his head and turned back to Taehyung. The omega opened his mouth cutely and Namjoon continued to spoon feed him the delicious meal.

But now, the image of Namjoon's mate sitting on his lap and kissing was now burned into all the heads of those eight servers and four chefs.


lol someone get me a cup of hot tea pls

now namjoon's workers r gonna beg tae to come everyday just to calm joon down bc he gets so passionate over cooking he goes in a blind rage to perfect everything

also, do u want tae to have:

one pup


or triplets ?

also u want more



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