"Attack him now! Or suffer my wrath!" Megatron yelled in pure rage as he angrily struck down some Autobots.

Tracer continued to tremble as he turned towards Optimus, his grip on the sword he was holding tightening with each passing second.

"...I'm sorry..." He muttered before walking closer to the taller blue and red mech, Tracer's helm only just reaching where Optimus's neck joined his chassis.

"It's not your fault...It was never your fault" optimus replied softly before his battle mask snapped into place and he and Tracer began to throw attacks. Both dealing blow for blow, mainly with fists as neither truly wanted to hurt the other.

Megatron, in the background, had had enough as he finished with the last Autobot and began striding over menacingly. 

Optimus noticed the gunmetal-grey mech as he reached for Tracer and attempted to safe him form Megatron but to no avail.

Megatron caught the younger mech by the back of his metal neck, tightening his grip painfully before hurling Trace towards some ruins and stalking over to the now fearfully trembling mech.

"I taught you better than that!" He snarled before dodging some canon fire from optimus as he tried to protect his younger brother.

"M-Megatron...I'm sorry...but I cannot and will not...fight Optimus" Tracer stated in agony, his frame leaking energon from many wounds, having been tossed and whatnot.

Megatron dodged another barrage of canon fire from Optimus before pinning said mech to the ground and securing him, finding that making him watch would be more amusing.

He then walked back over to Tracer, his pace slow and agonising before picking the young mech up by the front of his neck firmly.

"He is your enemy!" Megatron snarled as he threw the smaller Decepticon away from him and over Optimus who could only watch as his older brother beat their youngest brother.

.  .  .

Before anything else happened, the animation was terminated, and everyone stood in silence as the bots turned to Optimus as he vented sadly.

Slowly, I glanced around at everyone, noticing how Ratchet and Optimus were stock still with saddened expressions, Ratchet's being more prominent as Optimus tried to cover his.

Both reliving memories they had popped had been lost during the war.

"I believe it is time for the children to be taken home" Optimus spoke after some time.

Miko, Raf and Jack all checked the time before quickly agreeing and joined their respective guardian and left for their homes.

I stayed still, not really knowing what was going to happen now.

"Andrew" Optimus' voice spoke making me look up at him. "Fowler informed me that you would be staying here for many Earth days" He explained as I nodded.

ratchet quickly excused himself from the room and made his way to his berthroom, not wanting to break down in front of his leader and a human.

"Andrew...Do you know who Andromeda is?" Optimus slowly asked.

Shaking my head, I began to explain what I knew. 

"Not personally, only from my visions. I know that he, Megatron and you are all brothers, Megatron being the oldest and Andromeda being the youngest. I also know that Megatron forced Andromeda to become a Decepticon through many methods"

"When he was finally broken, he was given a new color scheme and was trained to be a Decepticon. His tall yet slender frame allowed him to be very stealthy and earned his spot as more of a reconnaissance position, thus earning him the name Trace by Megatron"

Optimus nodded before smiling lightly at me as I yawned tiredly.

It seems you are in need of recharge" He chuckled, his walls slowly falling and crumbling from the rather familiar and homely vibe from me.

I sheepishly nodded and yawned again, this time being smaller and not so obvious.

We do not currently posses any human quarters" Optimus muttered as he looked down at me, his processor coming up with a few ideas.

I nodded with understanding before looking towards the couch. "It's alright, Optimus. I'll sleep on the couch" I said quietly, Optimus' advanced hearing picking up the words with ease.

Optimus looked down at me then the couch and back as he though about my proposal. "Are you positive?" He asked sternly making me nod.

"I do not want to be any more of a burden than I already am" I muttered, looking down at my feet shyly.

Optimus took on a surprised look, which I hadn't noticed, before looking at me with a fond smile and sighing. "You are not a burden, Andrew. If you wish to sleep on the couch, it is fine, just remember my door is open if you need the company" He said before making his war to his own berthroom.

I sighed in relief of being left alone and walked over to the couch and laying down, curling into a ball and drifting towards the land of sleep

The Third Brother of Cybertron {TFP Fanfiction}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora