Chapter 19:

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Jeongguk was the happiest man alive right now. Yoongi was taking him to all these amazing places, and spoiling him by buying food, clothing, shoes, toys, anything the mans heart desired. They spent a few weeks in Tokyo, leaving when Jeongguk was ready to go to the next place which was New York, where they spent close to a month. They went on countless dates in those two places but, Jeongguk was having so much fun which made Yoongi the second happiest man. "Where to next baby?" Yoongi asked Jeongguk who was sitting in his lap wearing a brand new outift that the blonde man bought for him yesterday before they went back to their hotel. Jeongguk smiled widely, "Paris please." Jeongguk said in a soft voice. The man couldn't stop smiling at Yoongi, admiring the lip piercing that he encouraged the man to get.

"You look so much hotter with your lip pierced." Jeongguk whispered to the man after he shifted in his lap to get comfortable. Yoongi smiled to himself, "Thanks princess, I like it. I still think I should've gotten my tongue pierced too though." The man said while resting his hands on Jeongguks smaller waist. The younger bit his lip while blushing, knowing exactly why Yoongi was thinking of getting a tongue piercing. "I wouldn't hate that." He whispered then giggled. "If there's a good place in Paris, you can get it done there." Jeongguk said before closing his eyes. Yoongi nodded, "Maybe. Just get some sleep for now baby, you need it." The older laughed then kissed Jeongguk on the head. The smaller boy nodded slowly, showing he was already drifting to sleep in the older mans lap.




"It's beautiful here." Jeongguk said as he looked out the huge window of his and Yoongis hotel room suite. The man rented out one of the most beautiful and biggest hotel rooms. Yoongi stopped unpacking his things and walked over to the window to look outside and agreed with Jeongguk. "Thank you for bringing me here, and for taking me to New York and Tokyo too." Jeongguk said as he turned to the older man and rested his hands on Yoongis chest. "Don't thank me baby. You said that you've never been on a vacation before. I wanted to bring you to all these places." he said as he cupped the smallers face. "But, you're spending so much money on me and-" Jeongguk was cut off by Yoongi. "Baby. Don't feel bad about me spending money on you. I want to, you mean a lot to me and I've never felt this way about anybody else." Yoongi continued praising Jeongguk until the man stopped him by locking their lips together.

Yoongi heard his phone ding which signified that he had a text message. He looked at his phone and smiled before putting it back in his pocket. "Baby, I have to go somewhere alone. I ordered something while we were on the plane and the shop just notified me that they have it but, it's the last one. If I don't go now, I probably won't be able to get it." He said before pressing his lips to Jeongguks forehead. Yoongi could tell Jeongguk was nervous even though the smaller nodded and tried to put on a smile to hide how he was feeling. "I promise, you'll be okay, and the shop is close to the hotel so I won't be long." Yoongi said as he caressed Jeongguks face. Jeongguk wrapped his arms around the mans waist and hugged him tight. "Okay, I'm just going to stay here and keep the door locked until you get back." The younger said after he let go. Yoongi lifted both of Jeongguks hands and placed a kiss on both of them, then pressed his lips to the youngers plump ones again. "Love you princess." Yoongi said with a smile. Jeongguk blushed as his lips curled into a smile. "I love you to daddy." The boy said as he climbed into bed and grabbed the tv remote so he could watch something while the man was gone.

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