Chapter 11:

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"I'm so glad you came over. We have the whole place to ourselves." Namjoon spoke while sitting down on the couch next to Taehyung. The man smiled shyly as Namjoon moved closer. "Can I ask you something. I asked Jeongguk the same thing a couple days ago but, it's been bugging me." Taehyung said before sighing. "You can talk to me about anything, you know that." Namjoon said then moved some of Taehyungs hair from his face. Taehyung sat down his glass of wine on the table then straddled Namjoon. "Did you and Jeongguk have sex the night before Jimin and I came to pick him up? He told me no, he said you two didn't even kiss or anything but, I couldn't tell if he was being honest or not." The blonde man asked quietly while playing with Namjoons fingers. Namjoon sighed and shook his head. "I wanted to but, it didn't happen. I tried to kiss him too but, Yoongi walked in on us the first time and, he pulled away the second time." He said while he watched Taehyung play with the rings on his fingers. The younger felt tears welling up in his eyes but did his best to just blink them away and act like nothing was wrong.

"I just want to know, why do you keep trying when he's obviously not interested, and you have me. I haven't met up with another guy in forever because you asked me not to. You know how I feel about you. So why Jeongguk?" Taehyung asks, his voice a little shaky. He kept his head down though, and continued playing with Namjoons rings. Namjoon sighs and lays his head back against the couch. "Taehyung I know, and I'm sorry. Jeongguk is just very different from you." Taehyung sighed and stood up from Namjoons lap. "Okay, I'm done with whatever this is until you can make up your mind. I have to go anyways, Jeongguk and I have our live tonight so, I need to go over his place to get things ready." Taehyung said while putting his hoodie back on. "Taehyung wait." Namjoon said while standing up and following the smaller man to the door. "By the way." Taehyung says while he turns to look at Namjoon. "Make sure you watch. I have a little surprise planned for your crush.." he said with a smirk then left the house before Namjoon could stop him. "Taehyung! What do you mean by that!" He shouted as Taehyung drove off, ignoring the older man. Namjoon sighed then shut the door behind him. Then began cleaning up the dinner he made for him and Taehyung earlier in the day.




"Okay so, are you sure you're fine with the whip and the leash?" Taehyung asked while fixing his hair in the mirror and making sure his eyeliner looked good. The raven haired boy nodded with a cautious smile. "Yes, I've never experienced it before so I'm okay to trying it and, I trust you." He says before letting Taehyung put the black leather collar on him. Taehyung gave Jeongguk a fake smile, he didn't want to even be around the man right now. "Okay, and where is Yoongi. I thought you said he was here." Taehyung asked and Jeongguk nodded. "He is here, he's in my bedroom taking a nap right now but, he has the website ready on his laptop he brought with him so he can still watch it. I told him how you didn't want him in the room while we filmed." Jeongguk explained and Taehyung smiled again as he attached the leash to Jeongguks collar.

"Wait so, this isn't your bedroom?" The blonde man asked as Jeongguk happily picked the leather cuffs up from the foot of the bed and handed them to Taehyung. "No, this is just a spare room I had and decided to use it to film in so people wouldn't see all the personal things I had in my room." He explained as Taehyung locked the cuffs on him from behind. Taehyung nodded, "smart." He says while they walk over to the bed. "Alright, it's time, are you ready to start?" He asks as he takes a seat next to Jeongguk. The man nodded and Taehyung started the live since Jeongguk couldn't because, his hands were cuffed behind his back. "Hi everyone! I'm happy to be here with Bunny Boy today. He and I have grown so close over the past few weeks, and I know you will all love this live." He says then looks at Jeongguk who's smiling and giggling at how bubbly Taehyung is.

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