Chapter 9:

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Jeongguk was at Yoongis house getting ready to hang out with Taehyung. He had a long talk with Jimin about everything that was going on and decided that he'd be safer at his own house so Namjoon couldn't do anything to him anymore. After today, Yoongi was going to stay at Jeongguks house for the rest of his break. The man got nervous when he heard the front door. Yoongi put his arm around Jeongguks waist as the two walked to the front door where Namjoon was standing and talking to Taehyung, acting like they had no idea who each other were. "Jeongguk, your friend is here." he said and the younger nodded, locking his eyes on Taehyung to avoid Namjoon. Yoongi turned the raven haired boy around and pressed his lips to Jeongguks pretty pink ones. "Stay safe and please call me if you need anything, and I mean anything." Yoongi spoke just loud enough for Jeongguk to hear. The smaller man nodded again, then pulled Yoongi closer to kiss him again. "I love you." He whispered with his forehead resting against Yoongis.

"I love you too, have fun." He responds just before Jeongguk runs past Namjoon to walk out the front door with Taehyung. The man locking his arm around Jeongguks which caused the raven haired man to giggle. Namjoon watched them walk off before closing the door and turning to Yoongi who was glaring at him. "What? Are you mad that your boyfriend is hanging out with his friend?" He asks and walks over to Yoongi. The blonde man didn't answer, he only crossed his arms over his chest and looked down while leaning back against the wall. "It's nice out Yoongs, go hang out with Hoseok. You haven't seen him in a while, and I heard his sister's back, I'm sure she'd be happy to see you. The three of you used to hang out all the time." Namjoon says which causes Yoongi to look up at him. The blonde man nods and sighs, "Yeah, you're right. I need to calm down a little and relax. Jeongguk is going to be okay." He said while nodding a little again then left the room to go call Hoseok, not knowing that Namjoon was planning this whole thing.




"So, are you excited about us filming together, because I am. You're so cute." Taehyung says while smiling widely, reaching across the table that were sitting at to pinch one of Jeongguks cheeks. The man laughed at Taehyungs action then scrunched up his nose as he playfully pushed Taehyungs hand away. "I'm excited. I was just nervous about hanging out today because, I thought you didn't like me." Jeongguk says with a shy smile as he looks down at his hands on the table. "Aww Gukie, I don't hate you. I might've acted a little rude when we first met because, I was a little jealous of you but, I'm over it now." Taehyung said, then laughed and tilted his head to the side a bit and looked at him with big puppy eyes. "Do you forgive me Gukie?" He asks and Jeongguk giggles at the way Taehyung suddenly changed. He nodded and Taehyung clapped happily then got up to move over to the side Jeongguk was sitting on so he could hug him. The man laughed more when Taehyung began placing a bunch of kisses on his cheek while hugging him.

"Tae, stop!" Jeongguk shouted while laughing but they were both broken out of their fit of laughter when they heard the bell to the coffee shop ring. Jeongguks smile fell when he saw Yoongi walking in with a girl he didn't know. She was laughing and hanging onto his arm. Jeongguk felt a pit of jealousy in his stomach. "Wait Jeongguk, isn't that your boyfriend?" Taehyung asks, his arms still around Jeongguks shoulders. He looks at the expression on the youngers face and sees that he's mad, and upset. Jeongguk nods then looks down at his hands in his lap. Taehyung puts his head on Jeongguks shoulder while hugging him to try and make him feel better. Taehyung knows how it feels to see someone you love with another person. Once they heard the girl giggling, they looked up to see Yoongi poking her side and making her laugh even more. Jeongguk began getting even more jealous when she hugged Yoongi, seeing the blonde man hug her back, it was making him want to cry. When he saw the girl press her lips to Yoongi's, Jeongguk lost it.

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