Chapter 13:

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Jeongguk sat across the table from Seokjin, his manager, quietly as the man typed out some things on the website. "Okay, the last thing I want to know is, do you want to keep your videos up so you still get money when they're watched?" Seokjin asked, looking up at the fragile raven haired mantt across from him. Yoongi was standing behind Jeongguk with his hands resting on the mans shoulders. Jeongguk thought for a minute before cautiously nodding. "For now yes but, can you please take down the most recent one of Taehyung and I?" He asked his manager. Seokjin agreed to take it down, he went to Jeongguks page to delete it immediately. "Okay, I put out a statement about how you're taking an indefinite break from the cam boy job but, before I post it. I want to know if you'll make one last video. Like, you can talk to your viewers personally and let them know that you just need some time to focus on getting better, and you're not sure when you'll be back, or we can pre record one and I'll post it later on."

Jeongguk looked up at Yoongi who agreed with Seokjin, "I think you should do it too. This way everyone who watched you at least knows that you're okay." the blonde says while gently rubbing Jeongguks shoulders. The younger sighs then looks back at Seokjin. "Okay. I'll do a pre recorded one, but I'll only do it if Yoongi can be in it with me." The man explained reaching up to grab Yoongis hands with his petite ones. Seokjin nodded, "That's completely up to you if you want him in it and, I will be here incase you need me. You just have to pick out a date so I can put it in the statement." The man said as he began typing again. "I'll do it tonight, I just want to get this over with." He says, leaning back in his chair. His hands still holding Yoongis bigger ones. Seokjin nodded then posted the statement on the website so everyone who's subscribed would know about it.

"Okay, now that we're done with that. I want to meet with Taehyung, but I want you there too. Do either of you have an idea of where he is?" Seokjin asked as he closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair. Jeongguk shrugged, but looked up at Yoongi when he began talking. "Probably with my dad. He told me that he and Taehyung planned everything, whatever that's supposed to mean." The blonde man said, looking at Seokjin the whole time. "Could we go to your dad's place right now to see if Taehyung is there?" Seokjin asked fixing his glasses. Yoongi nodded, "yeah, let's go." He responded, letting go of Jeongguks hands and walking towards the door, pulling his hoodie and back on, waiting for the other two to put their shoes on. "Do you want me to drive?" Seokjin asked and Jeongguk nodded. "please."




Yoongi unlocked to door and walked in quietly with the other two. He heard his dad in the living room talking with someone who he assumed was Taehyung. Jeongguk was scared to be back in the house after everything that happened with Namjoon, and especially since Taehyung beat him to try and get him to stay away from Namjoon. The three stayed quiet as they walked into the living room, seeing Namjoon and Taehyung on the couch. Taehyung was in Namjoons lap, being comforted by the older man since he was still upset about what happened. "I love you kitten, you don't have to be upset anymore. I'm here for you and only you." Namjoon whispered to Taehyung then kissed the side of his head. Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat, causing the two to look over at him. "Yoongi, Jeongguk. Who's your friend?" Namjoon asked, not letting go of Taehyung. The younger blonde looked up, feeling nervous when he saw Jin. "Daddy, that's my manager. He's the one who runs the website." Taehyung whispered back to Namjoon. They both stood up and walked over, Taehyung cuddled up into Namjoons side as he cautiously watched the others.

Namjoon kept a protective arm around Taehyung since he didn't know if Jin was going to do anything to Taehyung. Jeongguk was stood between Seokjin and Yoongi but, once he caught a glimpse of Taehyungs glare, he hugged Yoongi, and buried his face into the blondes chest. He smiled to himself when he felt Yoongis protective arms around him. "What you did was unacceptable, Taehyung. It is stated in your contract that you are not to be violent towards, or harm the other members. I could cut you from the site completely for what you did." Seokjin said, obviously mad with the way Taehyung treated Jeongguk. "Where the fuck is he?!" Jimin shouted as he and Hoseok entered the house. Jeongguk had texted Jimin on the way to Yoongis about how they were meeting there, he wanted his best friend there incase anything happened. Jimin walked into the room and basically lunged at Taehyung. "You asshole." He shouted and tried to get a hold of Taehyung but, Hoseok grabbed jimins waist and pulled him back. "Let me go. He hurt my best friend!" Jimin shouted but Hoseok didn't let go of him. Taehyung was now hiding behind Namjoon crying, he felt so guilty for what he did.

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