chapter 13

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a.n look how cute this little baby is!

    Opal had gotten the courage to finally get out of bed an hour later with James stuck to her side throughout the entire time. It was a sudden possessiveness he had acquired from the small time-frame of this morning to the afternoon that made Opal sudden warm and fuzzy, content almost. They had gotten downstairs together with small talk, and as if on queue, two laughing voices, one small and feminine and the other loud and deep rang behind the door. Opal and James had given each other a knowing look, smiling as they awaited the pair behind the door.

    "Hello Alpha James," came in David who had the toothiest grin a man like him could muster, eyeing the slightly flustered pair. In an instant, Gabrielle's arms shot up in a small plea, opening her arms to a willing James who carefully took her into his arm and pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, soothing her cries. Opal, who had watched from afar felt her heart beat a thousand miles per hour, and something beautiful swarmed within her as she watched the two interact with such content. It was as if the entire world was blocked out and allowed the moment of her daughter and her mate embrace in a beautiful fashion, she couldn't help but be entirely overwhelmed by how gentle James was with her child.

 She happily watched the pair interact, not noticing Trent walking through the doorway with a beaming, sweaty aura. He seemed as if he had been working out or was doing some training as he waltzed inside the house before walking straight to Opal. His hands gently touched her shoulders before embracing her into a friendly hug. Surprised, Opal turned back and slightly confused before smiling at who was the intruder.

  "Trent! Yuck, you're all sweaty!" she grinned brightly and scrunched her nose up in disgust at the smell. 

   "Yep, courtesy of training and gym," he grinned proudly.

   "Good to see you too Trent," Alpha James announced, he too was smiling brightly at took happiness in seeing Opal smile, glad that she has been cheered up. Trent grinned back at the young Alpha and bowed his head in respect.

    "Pardon my greeting, hello Alpha James and Gabrielle," he greeted before walking over to Gabrielle who had suddenly found interest in Trent, spreading her arms out for a hug. James gently carried her up so Trent could take the happy child.

    "So what are you guys all up to today?" Trent asked everyone in the room. Opal had taken a seat in one of the love chairs and David comfortably sat on the floor with his legs crossed.

    "Well, in our pack we have a nice retro diner, they serve really good fries and burgers," David offered and glanced over to his Alpha who glanced at Opal a couple of times. 

    "I think that's a good idea, a good time to get to know each other. Opal, Trent would you like to join us?" James asked the pair who was engrossed in their own conversation, he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at the interaction. 

    "Hell yes! I could really use a good burger right now!" Trent exclaimed jumping up and down carefully so that Gabrielle could burst out happily, clapping her hands as if in agreement. James looked over to Opal who was seemingly contemplating in her own world before Trent nudged her slightly and whispered incoherent words to her.

    "Y-yeah, uhm sure," she stuttered before recomposing herself, then smiled politely and gathered Gabrielle into her arms who called for her. James' mood went even happier and clapped his hands in agreement. His heart felt full and then nodded.

   "Sounds like a plan, how about all of us get  ready and we'll all meet up here in half an hour?" James suggested and everyone hummed in agreement before saying their goodbyes, leaving the house quietly. Opal, James and Gabrielle were all who were left leaving silence in its wake. James got up, dusted imaginary dust off his pants and then walked over to Opal who did not meet his eyes, he stood at least two steps away from her before giving her a reassuring smile.

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