chapter 10

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a.n i'm thinking of making this book a total of twenty to thirty chapters, so from this chapter on, chapters are going to be longer but the book will be updated every once and a while. guys pls be patient! i love you

   Opal had released a heavy breath as she entered through the door and into the house which she currently resided in. A beaming Trent followed closely behind along with Alpha James who walking cautiously behind them with a sleeping baby in his arms. The tour had finally ended after a full hour of meeting a few important people and learning the ways of the serene pack. Although Opal had enjoyed touring, she had felt uncomfortable meeting the new people, who were high-ranked in the pack. Something inside of her repelled her from interacting with them and hid away behind her friend who seemed to be excited to be in the pack. They had not officially been introduced to Alpha James' pack, but she still felt wary and unsafe within its walls. 

      It had made her even more uncomfortable and panicked when one of the male wolves almost slipped out the word 'Luna,' she caught it and she could feel the pressure in her lungs. She wanted to desperately run away from the scene, but she knew it would cause even bigger problems and forced herself to stay put with tears in her eyes. Her wolf, Citrine, had been quiet over the tour drinking it all in, but she too felt the panic and the desperate need to escape with all these wolves surrounding her. It was still very new to them and had brought down some memories that were in the dark caves of their mind.

   "When do you think I can start training to be a warrior Alpha James?" Trent had excitedly said as he sat down on the plush couches, a bright, curious smile graced his lips. Opal couldn't help but feel her stomach tighten at the sight, she envied how easily Trent could adapt to the new environment and how happy he looked when all she felt was fear, panic and sadness. She knew it was wrong to hate him for it, but she couldn't help the ugly feeling in her chest as she stared at her delighted friend.

   "Soon, I'll organise a private session with Haley, our elite trainer, she is the best of the best, she'll analyse your strengths and weaknesses before putting you into training. Before you become a warrior, you must, of course, be introduced to the pack and participate in our Ceremonial Welcoming," Alpha James informed the male who seemed to be bursting with happiness. James cradled the little baby in his arms and sat on the seat across from him, an equally happy smile on his face.

   Trent looked at Opal and beamed, her heart clenched and she looked away.

"Opal, are you feeling okay?" Trent asked her, his voice dimming down with softness, his excitement turning into worry at his friend who seemed to cower away.

"I-I'm fine, really, I am," she managed to say with a strained smile, but Trent, nor James was convinced and both stood up at the same time.

  "You should rest Opal, you're looking pale, go upstairs and rest," James spoke softly, his eyes softened as he approached her slowly. His expression looked so genuine that it seemed to make Opal's heart squeeze, but then she told herself not to give in, she couldn't do it. His expression had brought back something that she fought back but agreed with him. Not wanting to spare another second, she rushed up to her bedroom with tears threatening to spill out of the corners. Her chest tightened as she counted her breaths before she found the bedroom and closed the door shut. Before she knew it, she was under the safety of her covers that smelt like her daughter and revelled in it.

  Opal allowed her tears to fall onto the sheets, Citrine tried her best to block out the memories and mourned with her. They both didn't know why they were so upset. Maybe it was because of the fact that Trent looked so happy when she was screaming internally, maybe it was the fact that James was reminding her of the bad things or maybe it was because of the fact that she knew that her life was changing and she didn't know what to do.

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