chapter 12

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It was like time stood still as a teary-eyed Opal looked over to a worried James that kneeled in front of her, his eyes soft and comforting compared to the harsh gaze of her tormentor. She gulped and sniffled, out of her daze she looked straight into his eyes, feeling a sense of comfort as he let out a relieved breath.

"Goddess, you're alright,"

He sounded defeated, his voice hoarse, raw and breathless as he looked at her with relief. His hands were still on her knees and he rubbed them softly, feeling comfort from just touching her. It was like the weight was lifted off his shoulders as he noticed how her eyes returned to their normal, soft state. All his worries disappeared as she just stared at him with recognition and familiarity, his pain, though still there, lessened. His wolf was glad that she was okay, as James pushed himself a little closer hoping that their proximity would calm his racing heart.

"I'm-I'm," she tried to say, the words stuck in her throat as she noticed how dishevelled James looked, how worried he was because of her.

"Don't say anything, you don't need to explain to me," he told her honestly, just glad that she was okay

"I'm sorry," she whispered, it hurt to speak as she looked on the ground, embarrassed and tired.

"You don't need to be, it's alright. You're okay and that's all that matters," he replied, he reached out to touch her shoulder, rubbing it softly and allowed the feeling of touching her shoot down his arm. Opal nodded, tired to even talk back and leaned against the wall with a tear rolling down her cheek. She felt defeated. James noticed how weak and tired she look and stood up slowly, not wanting to alarm her and extended a hand for Opal to grab.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, you need rest," he suggested. Opal glanced up at his extended hand, her attention flickered from James and onto his hand before shakily, reaching out one hand and holding his. James grip tightened, pulling her slowly up with his strength. She didn't weigh much so she easily got up, her legs shook and her body shivered at feeling so exposed. It didn't help when she could feel sparks flutter up her arm, and looked away from him. James noticed this but also noticed how her hand was clamped tightly around his, how she was still hesitant around him, but how she stood close to him, as if afraid of something. His heart clenched, he wanted to protect her from all the bad, she had been through too much.

James gestured for her to go forward and lead the way, she nodded and went forward, her hand never leaving him and he trailed closely behind. Gabrielle, who was out with Trent, flittered back into her mind and she felt her heartache. Gabrielle shouldn't have to experience her mother going through this, Opal had to control her emotions or else her child was going to grow up with a problematic mother. She couldn't do that to Brielle, it wasn't fair for her. Opal gulped back the lodge in her throat and walked up the stairs, noticing how James trailed behind. Citrine was mourning for her host, feeling weak that she couldn't even do anything to help her.

"I'm sorry Opal," Citrine murmured.

"It's okay," was all Opal could reply back.

By the time they made it her room, Opal still had her hand wrapped around James', no that he minded of course. She laid down on the bed with the help of James who pulled the blanket over her. He gave her a reassuring smile before letting go of her hand and began to turn towards the door, but in an instant, her hand clamped down on his wrist and pulled him back. He revelled in the feeling of her touch. Surprised, he looked back and saw her, eyes pleading.

"Stay, please," she begged not wanting to stay in the room alone. James' eyes softened and nodded.

"Of course," he replied softly, and with a breath of relief, Opal let go of her hand, before he sat on the bed just by her feet. His hands were neatly laced on top of his lap as he gestured Opal to lie down, still shaken, she nodded and snuggled into the comforts of the bed. She inhaled, his scent wafted into her nostrils as she took a glance at him, checking that he was staying before closing her eyes. James exhaled, relief washing over him as he watched over Opal who tried her best to fall asleep. She looked like delicate china when she slept, but she looked ever so peaceful tucked into bed. He felt like she would be safe when she was fast asleep but still felt an overwhelming urge to stay by her side and watch over her.

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