Chapter 1

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"Boy, if you don't stop picking at my damn food."

I glared at my friend who shrugged as he continued stuffing his face with my fries.

I would have knocked some sense into his big head but the restaurant we were in was nice, plus it's not like people weren't already staring.

I leaned back, grumbling as I chewed on a fry angrily. It's like they've never seen a person of color before?

It's only been a few months since I moved to Italy, and even though I expected some looks, I never thought it'd be this bad.

I get called chocolate a lot, I don't really take offense to it, but it's weird to be told someone would like to eat you up. Like, really really weird.

However, I could handle that much.

Taking a sip of my strawberry lemonade, a lazy grin slid on Matteo's face while I raised an eyebrow.

"So how's work, fiore(flower)?" He questioned and I shrugged, taking a bite of my fry.

I came to Italy to be able to experience living in another country. It was something I'd always dreamed of doing.

With my training as a doctor, I'd gotten a temporary job at a hospital here. I thought I would be able to take things easy until I got accustomed to everything, however the hospital was in chaos when I got there.

Apparently there was someone important who needed care but all the other doctors were too scared to take care of him. So being the new girl I was, I was forced to be in charge of the patient. If anything were to go wrong, of course it made sense that they'd be able to blame it on a foreigner.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I went into the older man's room. As it turns out, Mr. Vinetti was really kind. I enjoyed his company, he was very wise and always had a smile for me when I came in. He was recovering at a good speed and would soon be discharged.

I smiled at the thought, "Work is going pretty well. I do miss the States, but I'll be back soon." Matteo raised an eyebrow and snatched another fry off my plate.

Shoving it in his mouth, he grinned in opposition of the glare I was giving him and said, "Or you could stay in Italy longer. You might as well just not go back and live here with me."

I rolled my eyes. "It's beautiful and I love it but no dice, mi amigo."

Glancing at the rose gold watch on my wrist, I finished the rest of my food and took a long sip of the rest of my drink. Throwing down a few dollars I grabbed my purse and stood before kissing Matteo on the cheek.

"I have to get back to work. Bye babes, love you!" I called out to my friend as he waved to me. Walking at a brisk pace towards the hospital, I weaved through the throng of people. Finally reaching the doors, I went in and changed into my scrubs, throwing on my lab coat.

Making sure to thoroughly wash my hands, I headed to the VIP suite where Mr. Vinetti was sitting up in his bed, waiting for me.

"How are you doing Mr. Vinetti?" I gave him a smile as I went over to check his vitals and see if the older man needed anything.

"Better now that you're here, my flower, but you know what would make me feel fantastic?" I could see the glint in his eyes and laughed.

"Sure sure, I'll sing you a song later. You know now that you're getting better I have more patients to attend to."

To help cheer my patients up, I liked to sing a few songs for them. It really does help to soothe them, especially to sleep.

I remember when I was shuffling around the room, humming and Mr. Vinetti demanded I sang for him right there. It has become apart of routine for us.

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