Chapter 14

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"Luciano, what the hell?!" My voice rang throughout the room.

I hurriedly pulled Luciano back who simply glared in response. Apollo touched his jaw, moving it around. "That's gonna leave a bruise. Nice to see you're still alive."

"No thanks to you. You shot me two times!" Luc growled as he crossed his arms.

"And you tried to run me over with a car! Besides, you know I was always a terrible mark." Apollo laughed as I instantly relaxed.

Thank God they're not fighting. . . Well, physically at least.

Luciano narrowed his eyes, "That's hard to believe when I ran away with two bullets in me!"

Apollo waved his hand as if to try and dismiss the conversation. Instead he looked to me, "Why is Dr. Percy here?"

"She helped me." Luciano gruffly responded, stepping in front of me protectively.

Raising an eyebrow, Apollo's eyes met Luciano's, "Then why is she still here? You're going to get her killed if she stays."

I sucked in a sharp breath, peering over Luciano's shoulder. I'd never seen Apollo look so intense.

Silence filled the space as they glared at each other.

"Rose, I'm going to explain to you what's going on, and then I'm going to ask you a question. Okay?" Luc spoke calmly as I nodded eyes widened, in agreement.

"Good. Like I was saying, I was the Enforcer. I would soon be taking over for my father and people didn't like that."

My heart dropped a little when I realized Mr. Vinneti was also apart of the group.

"I may be bad, but those bastards are worse. They don't have a moral code, women and children are play things or easy marks." He turned to face me.

"We're talking prostitution, narcotics, weapons, and it doesn't end there. We tried to plan ahead, I found out early that there was a snitch amongst us. I figured sooner or later they would make a move to take over, I just didn't think it would happen so quickly." Luc sighed.

"So. . ." I licked my lips before continuing, "Apollo, he was a mole?"

The two men nodded.

"I was trying to figure out the actual mole, but they never let me get close enough to anyone with actual power. I know a guy named Maxim is supposedly running things, but it's obvious he's just a figurehead." Apollo placed his hands on his hips elegantly as he explained himself.

I frowned, "This is very complicated. You two think you can take down an entire organization by yourselves?"

I couldn't help but to ask. If I was gathering everything correctly, Luciano had made more then just one enemy. Everyone that could help him was most likely sided with the person that was pulling the strings behind this whole operation.

They were basically going on a suicide mission.

"We're not completely alone. We have an informant in Maxim's circle. Some of our other help is well, scattered." Apollo gave me a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I didn't respond, just looked at Luciano who crossed his arms.

"So?" He spoke as his eyebrow rose.

What irritated me more then the silent question he was asking, was the fact that without him saying anything I could understand.

"Not at all." The words left my mouth without me thinking.

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