Bonus 1

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This is for all you Klaus stans out there that keep commenting 😭

In some alternate non-existent universe, this ending happened, so cheer up!

And YES, I'm writing a Bonus Chapter over Hans and Jaspers' past after this, stop harassing me 😭😂😂


It's been years with the showdown between Mr. Vinetti. In the end, Luciano killed his father and once I recovered from my wounds, I couldn't handle what had happened those few months.

Alice, who had been contained for years, made me promise to not leave until Klaus was recovered from what Nero had done to him. Though it took her a while to convince me, I agreed and took Jasper and Hans back with me to Germany.

Luciano and I split things off. He needed to sort through things that I couldn't help him with and I wanted to go back before all of this happened.

It took time to forgive Klaus for what he did to me, and after he healed, he didn't try to keep me in Germany. Though Luciano and Apollo tried to reach out to me, I figured I'd be better off not talking to anyone.

It was a hard decision, but Klaus ended up paying for Hans and Jasper to attend a boarding school, where they could finally be normal kids. We were still close, every break they had, they spent it with me. And we talked almost every other day. I had become something akin to an older sister to them.

I was finally settled back in my life in America when one day, I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, Klaus stood on the other side with flowers. He told me that he loved me and he understood now that it was okay if I didn't feel the same.

He asked if we could just be friends, and when I said yes, he reintroduced himself as if we were meeting for the first time.

We took things slow, and eventually it grew until we got married and now, I was in a bit of a situation.


"Baby?!" The word slipped out of my mouth as I stood in the bathroom, staring wide eyed at the pregnancy test in my hands.

"This has to be a mistake! A baby??" I freaked out quietly but no matter how many times I checked the answer never changed.

It's not like I didn't want kids, but this wasn't a good time. Klaus was promising to give up being Don and we were going to move to America to live peacefully as normal and law abiding citizens!

If I was pregnant, would that make him want to protect his child and keep his title? What did this mean for us?

I let out a breath. Okay Rose, calm down. Let's be rationa-

"Donna?" A deep voice cut me off, causing me to jump as I frantically shoved the test deep into the trash.

"A-Um, just a second!" I yelled, turning the faucet on full blast. Taking another shaky breath, I peered into the mirror in an effort to make myself look normal. If Dimitri or anyone thought something was wrong, they'd call Klaus and he would immediately go into over protective mode.

He was crazy, that one.

I opened the door, Dimitri leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway. "Yes?" I asked as he stood tall.

"The Don wants to see you in his office."

I nodded, walking stiffly up the stairs. Knowing him, he probably knew I locked myself in the bathroom for longer than normal and got worried. I let out a sigh as I opened the door only to be immediately bombarded with a hug.

"Klaus!" I laughed as he kissed all over my face before pulling back.

"Rose, is it true?" His blue and green eyes shone like stars in the sky as he was barely able to contain his grin.

I already knew what this was about, of course I wouldn't be able to hide this from him. I rolled my eyes before nodding, "So far, ye-"

I didn't even get the full answer out before I was being spun in the air. "K-Klaus!" I called out my hands gripping his shoulders as he laughed.

"You're going to be a mother!" He exclaimed, his excitement contagious as I found myself grinning with him. "And you're going to be a father!"

He set me down immediately, "I probably shouldn't spin you, huh? Wait you shouldn't be standing, right now!" He quickly ushered me into a chair where I sighed.

This is exactly why I didn't what him to know I was pregnant. I needed time to prepare for his overbearing-ness.

Before he could move away from me, I caught his hand, turning him towards me. He watched in silence as I carefully intertwined my fingers in his and looked up at him.

"Daddy, listen," I made my voice softer so it wouldn't come out harsh. "I love you, but I'm not about to be immobile, okay? I don't want you to treat me like some porcelain doll."

Klaus stayed silent for a moment before bending down, his sky and forest eyes glimmering while he smiled at me. "I get it, klein blume. I'll respect your wishes, but just don't push yourself, I get worried okay?"

"Of course, love." I nodded and he gently took my face in his hands. We gazed at each other before he brought his lips to mine in a slow passionate kiss.

You would never know by his attitude when you first meet him but Klaus was quite the romantic. When we go on dates and even other smaller gestures are always so thought out and executed in such a way my heart flutters every time.

This careful planning and consideration even makes him look nerdy sometimes, like when he came home with a bunch of pregnancy and parenting books.

After we confirmed my pregnancy with a trip to the doctors office, he expedited his plans to hand off his mafia empire. Somehow in the mix of that, he still made sure all his free time was spent with me.

I was blessed to have such a considerate husband and the months passed in a flash. Things got a little frantic when I had braxton hick contractions. Klaus hardly slept for a week and he immediately started to get our new house ready.

Due to that, however, by the time our little boy was born all business was handled. It was just us 4 in a normal suburban neighborhood. Klaus, me, our cat Sergei and our beautiful baby boy, Henry Augustus Rossi.

I started a small clinic where I worked on normal healthcare, and Klaus even started a legitimate business as well. Hans and Jasper visited on holidays, Luciano and Apollo stopped by every once in a while and most of all, life was good.

It was normal.

And, I don't think I'd want it any other way.

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