Chapter 2

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"So, how do I look?" I spun around in a circle as Matteo blew me a kiss.

"Look at you, looking like a full course meal! At this point, what're y'all even going out to eat for?" He asked matter of factly.

Rolling my eyes, I let out a laugh at my ridiculous friend. "Thanks babes, I needed that confidence booster." Giving me a wink, Matteo plopped down on my bed.

Luciano was taking me out to dinner to thank me for taking such good care of Mr. Vinetti. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself it's for, that way it's not an actual date and I don't end up overthinking the entire night.

I was waiting for him to pick me up, and Matteo was keeping me company when my phone began to ring.


"I'm downstairs, what was your apartment number again?" Luciano's deep voice came through the phone into my ear. He could literally talk me to sleep anytime with how he sounds.

"Oh! I'll just meet you down there don't worry about it, see you in a sec." I said goodbye and turned to Matteo who enveloped me in a quick hug before primping my hair.

"I know, I know, you look amazing, you are amazing, and I expect you to call me and tell me everything after this Rose." He pushed me out the door and grinned. "Have fun but not too much, okay?"

Slamming the door in my face I laughed a bit as I made my way to the lobby. I could see Luciano's broad soldiers facing me and as I walked towards him, he turned around.

"You look beautiful, Rose." He nodded his head and I smiled. "Thank you, I try."


"So, what made you go into the field of medicine?" Luc's grey eyes cut into me while I took a sip of my drink.

"Personal reasons initially, but as I got into it more and more it just felt right." I smiled and he nodded along.

"You have a beautiful heart Rose, my father really took a liking to you, and I know your busy already but. . ." Luciano trailed off and I looked up from cutting into my steak.


"My father would like to offer you a position as our primary resident doctor. Or at least the opportunity to learn there."

"That would be absolutely amazing but I couldn't commit to that, I don't plan to be in Italy much longer." Something flashed in Luciano's eyes that made me pause. His eyes were stormy like lightning behind dark clouds.

The way he stared at me as I rejected him made me uncomfortable. "I- I have a question." My conversation with Matteo went through my head as I opened my mouth again.

"What business do you and Mr. Vinetti do?"

Luc sipped his alcohol before responding, "My father was an art collector, he runs his own museum and gathers pieces from around the world to showcase." His eyes met mine as he gave me a devilish smile. "I'm more of a business man so I run my own company."

"I never knew he had a museum, I would love to see it. Speaking of Mr. Vinetti, how is he doing back at home?" I change the topic away from Luciano's career.

"He's doing great, although he claims I'm not as good to him as you were when you took care of him. If only you could visit." Sighing in mock disappointment, I giggled at his silliness. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Him? Mafia? Outrageous.

"I would love to check in on him in that case." I found myself agreeing to seeing Mr. Vinetti and Luc grinned.

"Perfect! I can pick you up tomorrow?"

"Well, I need to take the time off-" Luciano cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry about it, I will handle everything. Just be ready at 12, okay?"

Pursing my lips, I nodded. It was obvious he was used to running things around him. I figured I'd just go along with it for now.

Besides I'd be kidding myself if I said Mr. Vinetti wasn't my favorite patient. It was like I bonded with the older man.

Luciano's smile dropped when he checked his phone. I raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of my wine. I wonder if something happened.

"You okay?"

He snapped out of his thoughts, giving me a sheepish smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a business deal turned sour."

"I can't even begin to imagine how busy you must be." I focused on cutting into my pasta, being sure to get the meat and the sauce blended in and chopped nicely. I couldn't stand big chunks of food, I hated it.

"Says the budding doctor. Your boyfriend must be proud of you, even if you spend all your time at the hospital." Luc's voice rolled like soft butter on toast as he said this.

Part of me wanted to keep in an eye roll from the obvious prying of my relationship status, and another part of me felt butterflies from how deep his voice got.

"Hm, well while I'm not in a relationship I'm sure I could say the same about your girlfriend. Being a CEO must be hard."

I took a bite of my pasta, the immense flavor spreading through my mouth as I chewed. When I looked back at Luc, his lips was curled in a smile as he watched me.

If I wasn't black, I swear I'd be as red as this tomato sauce.

I could feel heat coursing through my cheeks as he held me in his gaze.

"I'm actually single myself. I do find myself pining after someone recently, but she seems to put off my advances." He broke eye contact with me and I as I felt myself being released from his intense gaze, it was almost as if a spell was broken.

I shook my head lightly. You can't get caught up in his words, you know this!

"That must be frustrating." It was the only thing I could say as I took another bite of my food. I tried to avoid looking directly at Luciano again, but he had my full attention when he began to chuckle. His shoulder even shook as he did it, the sound low and rumbling. Reminding me of thunder on a rainy night.

"No. I like it, I like her. In the end, Rose-" His voice dropped an octave. It felt like each word was intended to strike directly at my heart, as he said his next words.

"I always get what I want. That's a fact."

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