Chapter 12

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Breathe, Rose.

I chanted in my head repeatedly as I forced out another breath. Maybe I was just being paranoid, it's not like the guy I've been seeing in every car I've been in is following me.

It could just be a coincidence that his face was covered by tinted glasses, a fedora, and a total mafia vibe trench coat.

I was overreacting, right?

I cast another glance at the stranger. It was hard to tell whether or not his eyes were on me, but from the way my skin was crawling, I could feel it.

I should have told Luciano to stay with me.

I felt an instant regret for not letting him stay with me. The first rule of survival is to not split up, they pick you off in that way. However, I was already still wound up around him. He makes it easy to forget who he is and hard to remember what I'm not. And I'm not a criminal.

My stomach bubbled as I pressed on it gently with my hand. Maybe it was the train Swaying but I felt sick. My arm throbbed in unison as if my body agreed it was trying to torture me.

I groaned, looking back to where the man was only to be stunned at the realization that he was gone. For some reason, I didn't feel happy about that fact. I'd much rather have him in my sights then not know where he is.

I got up, heading to the back of the car. Reaching for the handle to the bathroom, my body tensed as the door flew open, hands reaching out to grab me, dragging my body in.


Somewhere in Germany, a man stood in a dark room. The door opened behind him, a woman standing beside him now. They watched the computer screen in silence, watching an interrogation take place.

"So?" His eyes stayed still while his mouth moved.

His companion spoke, "American. Female. A 'good girl' if you will. She will be easy enough to take care of."

Click. . . Click. . . Click. . .

He repeatedly pressed down hard on the end of the pen. Not responding at first and instead just listening to the mechanics. After a while, the man spoke.

"Nothing is ever easy with Luciano." For the first time, the man glanced at his partner. "As for the girl, I wouldn't underestimate her."

"Why?" The woman raised an eyebrow.
She almost wanted to scoff at his statement. "I've met her, she's a bug compared to me."

He shook his head, she was always so hotheaded. It was one of the reasons he didn't want to work with the woman, however her skills far surpassed her ego. In that way, she was useful when she wasn't running her mouth.

"When people are pushed, they do desperate things. You don't know how far she is willing to go yet."

The woman didn't bother to respond, only looking away. The man sighed, placing his hand on her cheek. He gently moved her face towards him, looking her in the eyes.

His hand slowly went lower, until he had her neck in his grasp. Her body tensed as he squeezed lightly. "You will handle the girl, correct?"

She nodded her head, a smile growing on her face as he squeezed tighter. Brushing his lips against hers, he spoke, "Good girl."

Taking a step back from the woman, the man turned his attention back to the screen. Noting that there wasn't any progress happening, he called out as the woman was about to leave.

"By the way, Chiara why don't you go help downstairs before you go?"

She glanced at the screen, lips still pulled in a painted grin. "My pleasure."

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