Chapter 4

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In the world, there are things we can and can't control. As I sat in the high quality sports car, watching the beautiful scenery of Italy pass by me in nothing but a blur, I realized this was one of the things I couldn't control.

I cast a glance at Luciano who was focused on driving. His eyes briefly met mine before I turned back to the window.

I've come to accept that Luc's actions were something I can't control. While I can hope his feelings for me go no further then a professional relationship, I can only delude myself so much.

I thought back to how I even got in the car.


My heart stopped at his words. Whether it was because he actually acknowledged that he has pull in this city or because he sounded sexy saying it, I wasn't about to have that mess in my life.

Pointing to the elevator, I moved to the side, leaving the hall open for him. "Bye."

"What?" He blinked and I reveled in his shock.

I bet your dangerous behind didn't expect that!

"What did you think I was going to do? Bow at your will?" I could feel my anger bubbling. I can't believe he's actually that much of a narcissist.

"Not exactly, you do work for me however now."

"The hell I do. I never agreed to it myself. Nor did I sign any type of paperwork and you underestimate me 'cause I will quit this job to-to-toooooooo quick, sir. Keep playin'."

We both glared at each other, the tension in the hallway thick.

"Anywhere you go, I'll be. You can't run from me Rose." His voice didn't waver, his eyes glinting and I could feel his sincerity. He really believed what he was saying, but I didn't.

"What's wrong with you? This isn't a soap opera, why the sudden interest in me?" I couldn't wrap my head around it! There was no reason for homeboy to be this committed, there must be something in rich peoples water.

"Listen, just think of this as an extra opportunity to learn, a chance to grow." I could see his lips forming a small smirk. One that I desperately wanted to wipe off his face.

"Fine, fine! Let's go, I'm only doing this for Mr. Vinetti, okay?" Luciano's  eyes held a tinge of amusement as he regarded me.

"Whatever you say, fiore."


"Don't tell me you're still sulking?" Luciano's voice reached me, pulling me out of my thoughts as I turned to him.

"I'm not sulking at all, Mr. Vinetti." I huffed as I sank further into the seat of the luxury car.

He let out a tch. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that."

"Well, I'm very professional." His eyes cut to me before turning back to the road, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Professional as in going on dates with your employer?" Luciano's voice was light and lilting.

He's teasing me. I rolled my eyes at the realization. "That was before a certain someone went behind my back, but I won't be making that mistake again, will I?"

I didn't look at him but I could tell my words went in one ear and out the other as he hummed to himself, his slender fingers hitting the steering wheel gently.

We pulled into a long, winding driveway surrounded by luscious greenery. The house, scratch that, mansion was a pleasant yellow color that interacted nicely with the vibrant colors surrounding it.

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