18: The Fallout

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{Picture on media bar is Lacy now}

It was now three years later. Lacy had her third birthday two weeks ago, Thomas had become an actor alongside Dylan. They were now shooting a movie together, called The Maze Runner. I was a professional dancer with my own dance school, Lydia was a professional basketball star with Sammy and the rest of the team. Everything was working out.


Thomas had been distancing himself from me for months. We barely spoke anymore, like I know he's tired from acting when he gets home but... I'd still like him to spend time with me and his daughter.

It wasn't until I was looking at pictures online that I realised why he's been distant. In the pictures he was seen holding hands with and kissing another girl, a girl who wasn't me... When I got a closer look I realised that it was Jamie from university. The one I had let take him that time. I slammed the laptop lid shut as tears graced my face, I was so glad Lacy was currently in bed. Thomas was due hope from work any minute now.

I rose to my feet as I heard the keys in the door, tears still streamed down my face as he walked in, "Hey Be-" He began. "What's up?" He asked. "You know, I've always wondered why women let men get away with treating them like shit..." I began. "What?" He asked. "When was the last time you kissed me, Thomas? Like properly kissed me, I'm not talking about a peck on the cheek. When was the last time you held me? When was the last time we went on a date together? Hell, when was the last time we had sex?!" I asked my boyfriend. "Bec—" He began. "But today..." I cut him off. "Today I figured out the answers to all of those questions." I told him. "Because today... Today I figured out that you were fucking CHEATING on me!" I spat at him. "Admit it Tommy! Come on, you've taken Jamie back haven't you?! She's slipped her way into your fucking pants again! And the mother of your child was fucking forgotten about." I snapped at him. I then began heading up the stairs, I walked into our room and began throwing his clothes into a suitcase. I then headed back down to where he stood, I wiped my eyes, cleared my throat and handed him his suitcase, "You can leave. We're done. We'll sort a visiting schedule out for Lacy, but that's the only interaction we'll ever have again, Thomas. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. I'm sorry Lacy and I weren't a good enough reason for you to stay faithful... But I hope you and Jamie are very happy together, truly I do." I said with a dry throat as I let go of his suitcase.

A few tears cascaded down his face but he remained silent, he nodded and handed me the keys to the house, "Just... Just remind Lacy everyday that I love her, Okay?" He asked. "She'll never forget who her daddy is." I replied before watching him turn on his heel and leave. I closed the door behind him before locking it and sliding down it so that my back was against it.

I let the tears out, I yanked at my hair, I sobbed, it even got to a point where I had to cover my mouth so that I wouldn't wake Lacy.

I did feel bad for cheating on her, she was my world. She and Lacy meant everything to me, the whole me and Jamie thing wasn't even meant to happen again. Even Dylan didn't know about it... Well, I guess he would do now if pictures had been leaked of me and Jamie together. I shook off my thoughts as I began venturing to Dylan's and Lydia's house, they'd moved in together now.

I knocked on the door, it was opened by Dylan, "Can I stay here the night Big D? Becky kicked me out." I stated. "Yeah, she kicked you out cause you fucking cheated on her, you heartless prick." Lydia said. "Yeah, you can crash here, but don't expect us to treat you like royalty." Dylan put in. "Yeah, remember what I told you when I found out that the baby was yours..." Lydia remarked. "I told you that if you hurt her then the police would never find your body... And what did you say Thomas, what did you tell me in return?" She asked. "I..." I began. "You said you'd never hurt her... But you have." Lydia replied angrily. "You two faced, evil, horrible, cheating fucking prick!" She spat at me. I nodded, I understood why she was angry, Becky was her best friend. "Come on babe, lets go to bed." Dylan finally said as he grabbed Lydia's hand. They headed up the stairs together as I laid across the sofa, alone, just me and my thoughts.

Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora