7: All The Feelings

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I watched her hobble towards the library, a sigh escaped my lips as I turned to go the other way. Today was the second day and third time that I'd seen her on crutches, the first time being the night after the accident, the second time being the day after and the third time being today. I began walking back to my dorm as quick as I could but decided to turn and head out onto the bleachers and watch my brother practice for the next game. I sat down in the bleachers and grabbed a book, Dylan was probably in the library with Becky and Lydia was on the basketball team so was also at practice, I shook off my thoughts as I opened my book, I was currently reading "Fire" by James Patterson which was the second book to "Witch & Wizard." I was reading contently until a shadow came over me and blocked the sunlight from my view.

I slowly lifted my head and saw my older brother standing over me, "Hey lil bro." He smiled before waving his hand for me to slide up the bench a little further so he could sit. I did as I was told and made room for him, he sat beside me before turning to me, "I think we need a talk... Don't you?" He began. "Not really, Jake." I shrugged. "Tommy, you're clearly still in love with Becky. That's as clear as day to me." He replied. I sighed, where was he going with this? "Look Tommy, you can't hide your feelings forever... The way I see it, you've either gotta make up with Becca, whether that be starting your friendship again or picking up where you left off..." He began to say. "And what's the alternative?" I asked. "Move the hell on, dude. Get out there, find yourself a girlfriend. Get over her. There's been plenty of girls in my past that I've loved and lost, you can't let that destroy your happiness or your chance of a future. If you find another girl then you'll slowly get over your feelings for Becky, but also, on the other hand, you could make up with Becky and tell her how you really bloody feel, that would make things easier for the pair of you." He told me. "Bit harsh, the way that answer started out..." I mumbled. "Look Tommy, I ain't gonna sit here and be nice about it just cause you're my little brother, okay? You're wallowing in self pity and self hatred for leaving her when she needed you the most, for leaving her after you'd finally got her back. She doesn't want a sympathy vote, Tommy. She wants her best friend to come back to her because he WANTS to, not because he feels he NEEDS to just cause she's injured. But like I said, either love her or leave her, cause those two options are the only options you've got to move past this." He explained to me before being called back to the field. "I'll leave that with ya, Tommy. But don't leave it too long, cause when it comes down to it, she might've gotten sick of waiting." He said before walking back down to the court to rejoin the practice. I nodded my head, I now knew what I needed to do. But how could I forgive her after all the lies she's told? Do I forgive her or do I get over her? What was I to do?!

I rested my head on the back of my chair as Dylan sat beside me reading some book called "Percy Jackson" I watched as he did as I closed yet another one of mine. "O'Brien, I'm dead fucking bored. I'm sick of staring at the same four walls every damn day, it's tiring me out and boring the goddamn life outta me. Can't we do something fun?" I complained at him. "AJ, how do you expect to do something fun when you're on crutches? Now don't get me wrong, I'd love to do something fun, like to go a theme park or a fair or something and I'd honestly be the first to suggest that... If you were healthy, but on crutches? I'm really not sure how that would work." He replied matter-of-factly. I sighed and groaned so loudly that even the librarian had to tell me to "hush!" I rolled my eyes before cursing under my breath at the brunette boy beside me.

He soon turned to me, "Actually, I wanna ask you something... Do you, well... Errr, well, you sort of know her a little more than I do with the whole girly talks and stuff, but, Agh! Why is this so difficult?" He groaned before readjusting himself and setting his book down on the table. "I guess, what I'm trying to say is... Well, I'm guessing she'd have told you if she was seeing anybody right?" He asked. I stared at him completely dumbfounded, "You've lost me, completely. Who or what on Earth are you chatting about?" I asked. "Lydia... I'm talking about Lydia. See, I've kinda liked her for a while now and she seems interested in me and I was kinda wondering if you'd know... Ya know, is she... Like... Is she single?" He asked before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. My eyes nearly popped out of my head, I opened them that wide, "You like Lydia?" I found myself asking. "I-Is that bad?" He asked. "No, no, not at all. It's, just, about time you admitted it." I shrugged. "You knew?" He asked as his facial expressions showed he was baffled. "Of course I knew, you two have been doing NOTHING but flirting with each other this past month." I laughed slightly causing him to blush bright red. "But to clear your worries, O'Brien, no she isn't taken. And if she was, I reckon we would be the VERY first people to know. You know that girl, she likes to shout things from the rooftops, literally. No joke, she's got a right gob on her." I said causing him to calm down a little from his previously flustered state. "Also, you and Lyd... You'd be the perfect match. You're both as dorky as one another." I smirked before grabbing my crutches and hobbling over to the elevator. "Wait, dorky?!" He asked almost offended. "That's right." I replied before stepping into the metal box. I stared at him with a smirk as the doors closed and began taking me down to the ground floor of the library.

Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Where stories live. Discover now