10: Tears And Alcohol

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It's been a month since Rebecca and Aidan began 'dating', anyone who saw them would think they were in love but it is everything but that. See, Aidan has been having an affair these past two weeks with a cheerleader, and Rebecca was about to find this out.

As she left Criminology early and headed back to her dorm, who does she see but Aidan sucking the face off of a cheerleader, she leans against the nearest wall, books clutched to her chest as she watched the scene play in front of her, "Vanessa..." She called out cheerfully. "Aidan..." She added less cheerful. Both of them turned their heads to her, "Becky, I didn't see ya there. How're ya, Hun?" Vanessa asked. "Yeah, I'm good. Just wasn't expecting to see you having a make out session in the corridor with MY boyfriend." She shrugged in reply. "Wait, he's your boyfriend?" The brunette asked. Becky nodded in reply, "Yeah, for about a month now, right Aidan?" She asked. She did not expect what came out of his mouth, "Bitch, I was using you. I acted nice to see if I could get into your pants cause you're hot, upon seeing that nothing I did worked, I fucked off. I'm with Vanessa now." He smirked. Everything inside her crumbled, she didn't love him but she wasn't expecting him to have being using her, she didn't reply, she simply nodded and turned on her heel. "Delete my number." Was all she could say before sprinting back to her dorm.

Her dorm was empty and as soon as she got inside and slammed the door shut, she threw her books and papers across the room before collapsing onto the bed in floods of tears. She was being used, yeah it was by a guy she wasn't in love with but it still hurt to know she was being used. She let her tears cascade down her face as her heart ached, she felt weak, one again she felt weak. She grabbed her razor from her safe place and began scratching it down her arm, opening up her old scars and even creating new ones. She soon realised what she was doing, she didn't want to be that girl anymore but she didn't have a choice, she simply shook her head, washed her razor and arm, pulled on a hoodie, wiped her tears, wrapped a bandage around her arm and left the room to get to the next lesson. She didn't even bother picking up her scattered books and papers which she knew she'd have to explain to Lydia later.

It was killing me to walk down these corridors acting like nothing was wrong, sure I had wiped my tears but it wouldn't be hard for people to see I was upset. I soon made it to art class where I walked in and sat at my desk beside Thomas and opposite Aidan. "You okay, babe?" Lydia soon piped up. "Just peachy." I replied as I lifted my head and met Aidan's glare. I glared right back at him before raising my hand, "Yes Junior, what is it?" The teacher asked. He was already angry at me for being late, "I... Uh..." Fuck, how was I supposed to ask him what I wanted to? "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. The teacher shook his head, "You were late to my lesson for god knows what reason and now you're wanting to go to the toilet, I am not having it Hanover, sit down and shut up." He replied in frustration. "What the fuck crawled up your ass?" I mumbled causing Lydia to laugh and him to hear. "LISTEN TO ME, YOU SPOILT BRAT. I'VE HEARD EVERYTHING YOU'VE SAID ABOUT ME TO YOUR BOYFRIEND AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR DAMNED BEHAVIOUR IN THIS LESSON. SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND WATCH THIS DAMN DOCUMENTARY ON ART OR I WILL FAIL YOU FOR THIS WHOLE DAMN PROJECT!" He yelled at me. This caused people to snigger at me and me to stare down at my hands, he had just humiliated me, my cheeks flushed bright red as I bit back my tears. I could feel Thomas and Lydia staring at me but I didn't speak, I simply grabbed my bag and began leaving, "REBECCA HANOVER, I WILL FAIL Y--" He began to yell again. "Oh, eat my nonexistent dick, you fucking geriatric prick!" I spat at him before leaving the classroom. I rushed back to the dorm and threw my bag in before heading to the car park and climbing onto my bike. I instantly sped away without even bothering to place my helmet on.

I eventually went to the beach house to change into a dress and take my bandage off before heading back out again.

{Becky's Dress and Shoes}

Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Where stories live. Discover now