4: Time for the truth... And tryouts.

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It was two months later, my scars were slowly fading once again but they were still visible and my friends were still keeping close eyes on me, I'd been spending a lot more time with Thomas thanks to Dylan and Lydia. I still hadn't told Thomas who I really was yet, it just never seemed to be the right time.

I was sat in Criminology and had been partnered up with Aidan of all people, my heart was racing as he took his seat beside me, an evil smirk plastered onto his face. Lydia was paired up with a girl who we didn't know, she was called Morgan. I kept my eyes glued to the project in front of me as the teacher began telling us what we would be doing in this class. Aidan barely even helped me, he was too busy making snide remarks and nasty comments about me. I wanted to smack him, punch him, beat the living crap outta him but my body wouldn't let me, instead I was consumed by fear, even my hand shook as I wrote. It was horrible.

However, the lesson soon ended, thank fuck for that. Aidan raced out of the classroom because he wanted to go fuck around with some cheerleader under the bleachers, I rolled my eyes before leaving the class with Lydia by my side, we met up with Dylan and Thomas outside, "What's on now?" Dylan asked. "I've got a free period." Thomas and I said. "We've got English." Lydia told Dylan. "I'll meet ya back at the dorm Lyd." I called as she and Dylan rushed off. Thomas and I began walking together and soon made it to the library, we walked in and headed straight to the Fiction floor where I grabbed a book called Paper Towns off the shelf and plopped down on a bean bag, he sat on the same bean bag beside me causing me to roll into him slightly so that my back was pressed against his chest as I read, I smiled slightly as he rested his head against mine and began reading over my shoulder.

It was hours later when someone ran upstairs, "Star! Mums giving birth, we have to go now!" It was Sammy. "WHAT?!" I asked as I slammed the book shut and put it back on the shelf. "She's giving birth Becky, we have to leave." He said as he grabbed my hand and began dragging me out. I managed to take a glance back at Thomas who stared at me hurt and confused. 'Sorry' I mouthed to him as I was dragged down the corridors by my brother and out to the parking lot. I got in the passenger seat of his car and he got into the drivers seat, we instantly sped away from the University and down to the hospital.

We both rushed into the hospital upon arriving and immediately headed to the room where my mother was. We were made to wait outside whilst she gave birth. I sat in the waiting room chair with my head in my hands as Sammy turned back, "He's gonna hate me. He's gonna fucking hate me." I mumbled to myself. "Who?" Sammy asked before realising. "Oh shit, he was in the library wasn't he? Becky, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise." Sammy said instantly blaming himself. "Isn't your fault." I shrugged. "Should've known I wouldn't be able to keep the secret forever." I added with a sigh before hearing the sound of a baby crying. My head jerked up and both Sammy and I instantly stared towards the room, a nurse soon left with the baby in her arms, probably to get him cleaned up and dressed. Sammy and I both walked into the room where our father instantly hugged us both.

They soon brought the baby back and laid him in my mother's arms whilst telling her that he was a healthy baby, they said that they wanted to keep mum and the baby in for a couple of days but it was for nothing major, just to make sure that they were both okay or something like that. My father nodded and said that would be okay as the baby was passed to me, "Hey Dean." I cooed over the little boy in my arms. I kissed his forehead, he was adorable. "Aw, he's so cute mum." I smiled as I cradled him. Sammy was also cooing over him.

It soon got to night time, Sammy and I had to leave. We hugged our parents goodbye and kissed Dean's forehead before leaving, the car ride back to Uni was silent. Nobody spoke, truthfully I didn't think we knew what to say to eachother. Sammy blames himself for the fact that Thomas is gonna hate me and deep down, I kinda blame him too. I know that's bad but I do, I also blame myself, if I hadn't have left him in high school then maybe I wouldn't have had to lie about everything these past few months. Sammy parked up at the Uni and stopped the engine running before turning to me, "I am sorry." He mumbled. "Don't worry Sammy. It was never your fault." I replied as I pushed the passenger door open and began climbing out. I began walking into the building and headed straight for my dorm, I was hoping Lydia wouldn't be back yet.

Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Where stories live. Discover now