16: Old Friends, Bad Memories.

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We walked into Art where I immediately saw an old friend of mine, moreso like a frenemy to be fair. He had sandy coloured hair and fair skin, slightly tanned but fair nonetheless. He immediately recognised me and a small smile crossed his face as the teacher scowled at me, I quickly took my seat beside Thomas and opposite Aidan, "Guys, please welcome this newcomer, Luke Smith." The professor called out. I stared over and rolled my eyes, this could not be happening. He was also Scottie's ex, they dated in high school, apparently Luke cheated on him and so Scottie ended it with him. "Anyone specific you would like to work with, Mr Smith?" Prof asked. "Uh... Is it possible to work with the Hanover girl?" He questioned. "Of course, I can swap you with Mr Jones." He smiled causing Aidan to sigh in relief. I watched as Luke headed towards us, he sat opposite me and smiled, "Long time, no see Hanover." He said. "Yeah... Well, it hasn't been long enough." I retorted. "Not only did you fuck Scottie over, you also were the biggest arrogant son of a bitch to ever walk my high school grounds." I added. "Who's this, baby?" Thomas asked me. "Luke, he's Scotties ex. Used to be Sammy's best friend, he went to our high school but was in the year above us." I told him. He nodded, "Was he... A friend of yours?" He asked me. "Kinda... In a way. There were times when we were friends and times when we were mortal enemies." I told him with a shrug.

The last time I saw Luke, I shared a kiss with him, he's bisexual. This was looong after the breakup with Scottie. We kissed but I pulled away from him and we had this huge massive argument about Scottie and the person he'd cheated on Scottie with and yada, yada, yada. We ended up hating each other.

"Is that right? I mean, I'm pretty sure we had a makeout session the last time you saw me." Luke smirked. I stared down at the table, "That was a mistake that happened before I found out what you'd done to Scottie. And don't you remember how I pulled away from you, you disgust me. You're nothing but an abusive cheat. You broke my baby Scottie's heart and now you come crawling back." I spat. "What happened to Chicago University? Weren't you there?" I asked. "Yeah, dads career got moved back over here so here I am." He shrugged. "Just get on with the work and don't come near me or Scottie for the rest of this year, Luke. We've had enough of your shenanigans." I told him as I began working on my artwork. I could feel him staring at me before beginning to work on his own.

The lesson soon ended and I hurried out, "Woah, something tells me you're trying to get away from me." Luke stated as he grabbed my shoulder. I stared up at him and shook my head before turning and walking away again, "I'll see you at lunch babe." Thomas soon said as he kissed me. I kissed him and smiled, "You will baby." I replied as he hurried off to his next class. Lydia and I sprinted to the gym, "Scottie, bad news..." I called out as I reached the blonde boy. "What?" He asked. "Luke's back." Is all I needed to say for his face to drop. "No, please tell me you're lying." He said. "He's on his way here now." Lydia told him. This caused Scottie to collapse to the floor, I immediately crouched down and wrapped my arms around him as Lydia stared on in confusion. Scottie cried on my shoulder.

I know what you're thinking, why's he crying? Shouldn't he be over him? Well, Luke abused Scottie during their relationship. He'd smack him around, Scottie was basically Luke's personal punchbag. If Scottie wanted to go out with Sammy, he had to ask Luke if he could. If Scottie didn't want sex, he'd get hit and raped. If Scottie didn't agree with something Luke said, Luke would punch and hit him until he agreed. If Scottie didn't come home at a certain time, he'd have to answer to Luke. If Scottie was kept behind after work by the boss, he'd be accused of cheating and would be beaten. It was a very abusive relationship. When Luke cheated, Scottie was finally freed of him, then when Luke announced he was going to a University in Chicago; Safe to say, we threw a fucking party. The thought of seeing Luke again, after what he did to Scottie, God I could strangle him.

My poor baby was currently balling his eyes out on my shoulder, the shoulder of my hoodie was now sopping wet. I stared down at the crying blonde boy, I ran my fingers through his hair before seeing Sammy run over, "Hey Star, what's going on?" He asked. "Luke's back." I muttered. "Luke?! As in Abusive Luke? As in Luke Smith?" He asked. I slowly nodded, "Apparently his dads career was moved back over here and he had to come with." I sighed as Luke walked out onto the field. "Sammy, get me Connor. We're gonna show that abusive motherfucker that Scottie finally got the man he needed." I told my brother as I placed my hand under Scottie's chin and lifted his head. I quickly wiped his eyes before kissing his cheek, "Hey, listen to me... You're stronger than this, okay? What he did to you was horrible, but you now have a guy who treats you like the princess you deserve to be treated like, m'kay?" I stated. He giggled at me calling him a princess, "Listen Scottie, you're fucking gorgeous okay? If you weren't gay, or if I was a guy, I'd date you myself. Luke didn't see the amazing guy he had when he was right in front of him, but Connor... Lets just say, he's a keeper." I smiled. Scottie nodded as Connor approached, "Hey baby, Sammy told me about your abusive ex been back. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "I am now, gotta say, Sammy's sister really does have a way with words and making people laugh." Scottie chuckled. "Show that Sandy haired bastard over there, that this amazing, incredible, self hating little princess is all yours, Con." I smiled at Connor as Lydia pulled me to my feet. Connor nodded as Luke approached, I watched on as Connor leant Scottie against a wall, Connor leant against him and began kissing him passionately. I smirked as I saw Luke's face drop.

"It's called Moving On, maybe you should try it sometime." Lydia said sassily to Luke. "Who put this together?! Who told them to act like that in front of me?" He asked in frustration. "That would be me, Smithy lad." I smirked. "I'm gonna kill you." He said as he lunged for me. He pinned me to the floor as was about to start hitting me when Sammy, Jake and Lydia yanked him back and began throwing punches at him as Dylan walked over and helped me to my feet, "You shouldn't be getting in fights in your... Condition." He whispered as he gestured down to my stomach. "Lyd told ya, then?" I asked. "She did indeed. I'm so happy for ya, AJ." He smiled happily. "Thanks O'Brien." I smiled as Lydia, Jacob and Sammy finished laying into Luke. "Stay the fuck away from my little sister." Sammy spat. "Or next time, I'll fucking hospitalise you." He added angrily before approaching me. He pulled me into a huge hug before checking me over to make sure I was okay, "Sammy, chill out. I'm fine." I laughed as I pulled his hand away from my forehead where he seemed to be checking my temperature. He laughed slightly, "Gotta make sure my baby sis is okay." He shrugged with a light smile before heading back over to Jacob where they continued their soccer practice.

I stared down at Luke as he pushed himself up off the floor and brushed himself down, "You're a bitch, Rebecca." He spat at me. "And you're a cunt." I retorted with a shrug. He scowled at me before trotting off into the college, Dylan then wrapped his arms around Lydia as they got lost in conversation as Scottie and Connor approached me, "Thank you, Bec." Scottie said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Anything for my little baby." I smiled at him causing him to laugh. "I love you." He said with a smile. "Love ya too, Scottie boy." I replied as he and Connor also began heading back to practice. I leant back against the wall and watched all of my friends socialise with each other as a small smile graced my face, maybe I could get my happiness back.

The day eventually ended, Sammy and I had decided to take Thomas, Lydia, Dylan, Scottie, Jake and Connor to the waterfall in the forest that only he and I knew about. "So this is where you went the other day?" Scottie asked. "Yeah, how'd ya know?" I questioned him as he arrived at the waterfall. "Oh... I followed you to make sure you were okay but I couldn't come in here because of the security guards." He told me with a smile. "They're good guys but no, they only allow people in with Sammy and I." I replied as I hugged him. He hugged me as everyone began jumping into the pool below the waterfall, I sat on the ledge above the pool and smiled, I watched all my friends splashing about and laughing together, Thomas seemed to loosen up in the water also, he didn't seem as stressed as he had been. I watched all of them, I had to say, it might've just being in my head but I was actually kinda starting to feel that happiness that I'd lost so long ago.


Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Where stories live. Discover now