13: Becky? Becky.

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It was nearing 5AM, Lydia was pacing back and forth in my dorm. Becky hadn't come home last night, she didn't meet up with my parents and I for the meal. Instead, she rang me at 7:30pm and said that she couldn't make it, however, her voice sounded muffled, like she couldn't really speak. She didn't even explain, just said that she was a little tied up. It was now 5AM and she still hadn't returned from meeting her 'friend', worry consumed my body. Jacob, Thomas, Dylan, Lydia, Scottie, Connor and I were all sat in my dorm, all of us refused to sleep until we knew she was safe. My phone soon rang again, I grabbed it and placed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked. "Sammy?" She questioned. Relief washed over me, "Becky, is that you? Are you okay?" I found myself asking. "Yeah, I uh... I went to that waterfall in the forest that only you and I know about, then I left and wandered around the mall a bit... And yeah, caught up with an old friend who agreed that LA was a 'funky town' and then I booked a hotel and passed out, it's all good." She replied. Funky town, that was a Supernatural phrase, a way for Dean to let Sam know he was in trouble. "Right, that's good to hear." I replied as I tried to throw off suspicion. She was in trouble, there's no other reason she'd use the words funky town, "Well, come home soon baby sis, okay?" I spoke. "Will do." She replied. "Bye Sammy." She added before the phone was hung up.

I slowly moved the phone away from my ear to see everyone staring at me in anticipation, "Becky?" Jacob asked. "Becky." I nodded. "What's going on?" Lydia asked. "Is she okay?", "Is she coming back?", "Where is she?", "Where has she been all night?"... Everyone began talking loudly, firing the questions at me. "Guys! Guys!" I yelled causing them all to shut up. "Becky's in trouble, she used a Supernatural quote to let me know. She used 'funky town', in Supernatural Dean uses that phrase to let Sam know he's in trouble over the phone. Becky used it, there's no other reason she'd use it." I explained to them. "That girl and her Supernatural phrases, we need to trace that call..." Lydia said. "I can do that." A small voice piped up from the end of the bed. Everyone turned to see Dylan, "I can trace the call, I have this programme on my laptop that can do it." He said with a smile as he grabbed his laptop and my phone.

He plugged my phone into the laptop, did some things on his keyboard and clicked his mouse a few times, "Right, the map is now loading." He said as he stared at his computer. "Who knew you were such a nerd?" Lydia teased her boyfriend. He simply smirked before drawing his attention back to his screen, "And we have it... The phone call came from a warehouse downtown. She's in an abandoned warehouse, not far from the mall." He told us. "Lets go." I said as I grabbed my jacket and we all began leaving the dorm. Dylan brought his laptop so that he would know if she moved as we all climbed into my car and I zoomed off down the road.

The phone was taken away from my ear, I really hoped Sammy got my Supernatural reference, the amount of times I'd made him watch it with me, he should've. I stared at the guy who had me tied up, "What now?" I asked as I stared at him. "We've stopped my brothers questions, he thinks I'm okay. He'll tell my friends, so what now?" I asked the guy. His face and head was covered by a balaclava so I couldn't make out his face, I tried to pull against the ropes restraining me but that didn't work. I was tied to a chair, the guy stared at me with dark eyes, I stared up at him, studying his eyes, seeing if I could recognise them. I couldn't. He turned his head away from me.

"What are you planning to do with me?" I asked. I couldn't plead or beg him, hell I couldn't even cry. I'd cried all my tears out through the night and at the cave behind the waterfall, he got me when I was heading back to my car. He got me from behind, struck my head with a heavy object, knocking me out and then he gagged my mouth with a bandana and stuffed me into a black Range Rover, him and another person who wasn't here right now.

Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Where stories live. Discover now