8: Unexpected Visitor... Again And Again

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I'd been home about a week by now, Lydia and Dylan had been dropping by rather frequently which I totally didn't mind. There even came a point when then wanted to guided tour of the mansion, which they got and were somewhat wowed at. Downstairs was the kitchen, dining room, living room, gym, home cinema and indoor basketball court, up the first set of stairs was my parents bedroom, Sammy's bedroom, my dance very own dance hall, a photography room, an indoor pool and Dean's Nursery and play room. And lastly, up the third set of stairs was my bedroom, an art room, a boxing room; It had a boxing ring and punch bags along with other boxing essentials. There was also a storage room on that floor, a recording studio (Used mostly by me) and a huge activity room which had slides and ball pools etc. It was quite the house. But other than their frequent visits, it's been a rather dull week.

However, sitting on my couch today, my father at work and my mother at some mother & baby group, there was a knock at the door. I groaned internally but grabbed my crutches and hobbled over to the door as quick as I could, I pulled it open and was sure surprised when I saw curly black and and blue eyes staring back at me... Yes, Aidan had come to visit me. I frowned at him, "Can I help you?" I asked. "Wanted to see how our star player was doing?" He smiled. Was he being genuine or was he trying to be funny? I couldn't tell, "Er... I'm getting there yeah." I nodded before becoming incredibly self cautious due to what I was wearing. I was in a long sweater that reached half way down my thighs and obviously my undergarments, but that was it. "Well, er... I'm free of classes today so I thought you might enjoy some company." He shrugged. Okay, now I was totally confused. "What?" I asked. "Wait, why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" I questioned. "Hanover, its like I said in the library last week, we're teammates now... And I'm trying to better myself as a person so I'm starting to try and build a friendship or an acquaintanceship with the people I used to bully." He replied. "And how's that working for ya?" I asked. "I'm slowly but surely building an acquaintanceship with Freya, Gracie, Georgie and Harold." He replied. I nodded, "That's great Aidan." I smiled. "Er, come on in... It'll be good to have someone to talk to." I added. I was so unsure whether I was doing the right thing or not, he followed me into the house as I led him into the living room, "Want a drink?" I asked. "Sure, what ya got?" He questioned. "Uh... Coke, juices, Lemonade, Kool Aid." I shrugged. "I'll have a blue raspberry Kool Aid, if that's no bother." He replied. I nodded and hobbled into the kitchen to make him his drink and to make myself one.

I soon made them but realised I couldn't carry them through, "Er... Aidan!" I called. "Yeah?!" He replied. "Can you come and carry our drinks through? I am unable to." I replied. "Sure." He said as he walked through and grabbed the drinks. I hobbled back into the room and took my place back on the sofa as Supernatural played on my TV, "I love this." He said as he placed our drinks on the table in front of us. "Me too." I smiled before resting my crutches on sofa beside me.

He soon left and Lydia brought me my work round, I decided not to tell her about Aidan's visit. She didn't need to know that part but I did tell her I spent the day watching Supernatural and drinking Kool Aid. We talked for quite a while before she left and drove back to the uni and I decided to call it a night.

These past two weeks had been weird as hell, Aidan has visited everyday. Don't get me wrong, I'll never forgive him for what he's done but I am slowly gaining a friendship with him... Is that weird? I'm not sure. It's kinda like that Adam Sandler movie, "Billy Madison" on the part where he's told he should apologise to the people he bullied... I don't even know how to explain it.

Anyways, today I was babysitting my little brother when there was yet another know at the door, I placed Dean in his Moses basket before heading to open the door, "Aidan, come in." I smiled as I hobbled back into the room. "You're getting that cast off tomorrow, right?" He asked as he followed me. "That's right." I smiled. I was actually so happy to be able to finally get it off, "I'll make us both a glass of coke." He smiled. "Cheers." I replied as I picked Dean back up and continued feeding him his bottle. I was also slowly trying to get him to nap, it was just after lunch and it was his nap time. "Come on buba, its time to sleep." I whispered to my brother. "Hush little baby don't say a word, Becky's gonna buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird don't sing, Becky's gonna buy you a diamond ring..." I began singing. "You've got a pretty good voice, Hanover." Aidan smiled. "Cheers Jones." I laughed slightly. "Want me to try?" Aidan asked as he gestured to Dean. "Uh, you any good with kids?" I asked wearily. "Yeah, I have a little sister and a little brother... Mum's out a LOT so I'm kinda their carers." He replied. "Okay, you can try. It's his nap time so he really needs to sleep but keeps fighting it." I replied as I handed my little brother over.

He carefully took him and cradled him in his arms, "What's his name?" He asked. "Dean, he's called Dean." I nodded. He nodded, "Hey Dean, I'm Aidan... I'm a... A friend of your sisters." He said as he rubbed circles on Dean's back. "You're a good little boy, aren't you?" He cooed. "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are." He sang softly causing Dean's eyes to close softly and soft snores to leave his mouth. "Wow..." I whispered. "Your voice is amazing, where've you been hiding that?" I added. He smiled slightly as he gently placed Dean in his little crib that was downstairs beside me before sitting back on the other side of me, "Only my siblings have ever heard me sing, thats something I keep hidden." He told me. "Well, that's a talent that shouldn't be hidden. You're amazing at it." I smiled at him before grabbing to TV remote and skipping to the movie channel where The Incredibles was currently playing. I turned the volume down so it wouldn't wake Dean before putting the control down and getting more comfortable on the sofa as I watched the movie.

Soft snores were soon coming from either side of me, turns out that Aidan had fallen asleep too... So I decided to be a sneaky Cunt and take a picture of him, I then turned back to the TV and continued to watch the movie. Call me a kid but I love animated movies, especially Disney ones so I watched contently until it finished and Bambi began playing straight afterwards, another show I loved to death so I began watching that contently also.

I was soon awoken to the slamming of the front door, my eyes flicked open as my mother and father both walked in, "Hey guys." I smiled after making sure Dean was okay. Aidan was still passed out beside me and Dean was still fast asleep, "Who's your friend?" My father asked. "Oh, this is Aidan. He's on the basketball team at Uni." I began. "He's been round every day this week." My mother told him causing the both of them to wiggle their eyebrows suggestively. I simply shook my head at them as Aidan began waking up, "Oh shit, I didn't realise I'd fallen asleep..." He began to say before seeing my parents walking in. "Hi, Mr and Mrs Hanover. I'm Aidan." He smiled as he shook their hands. "Anyways, I best get back to uni, Don will be wondering where I am." He added as he stood up and began heading to the door.

I followed him over and made sure to close the room door, "Thanks for coming over." I smiled.

Should I do what I was planning?

"Yeah, no worries. How about we swap numbers?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded as I handed him my phone.

Would it really be that bad?

He swapped our numbers and passed my phone back to me, I slipped it into my pocket before leaning on the doorframe. "Want me to be there tomorrow?" He asked. "Sure, my parents won't be cause dads at work and mums taking Dean to finally meet my grandparents." I nodded.

He's my former bully but he's been so sweet these past two weeks, would it really be that bad if I did it?

"Great, well, I had fun today." He said. "Dude, you fell asleep fifteen minutes into the movie." I laughed. "Well, I know but I just... It was fun, okay?" He laughed in reply. Damn, that laugh was gorgeous but fuck, I wasn't even falling for him.

Shitting hell, I am dreading this but imma do it.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Bec." He smiled. "You will." I nodded as he turned to go. He then stopped and turned back, "Right, bye." He said awkwardly.

I was gonna do it.

"Thank you, Aidan. If it wasn't for you coming by these past two weeks then I would be the most bored human being ever." I smiled. "No worries." He replied. I nodded before leaning up and pressing my lips to his, he was stood in shock but soon kissed back, I soon pulled away, "Again, thank you." I smiled. "No worries." He replied as he kissed my cheek and walked away. I watched him go before seeing my brothers car pull up in the drive and he climbed out... And let's just say, he did NOT look happy at what he'd just seen. I quickly hobbled back into the house as quickly as I could and dropped my body back onto the couch, "So, tongue fighting now? Didn't know FRIENDS did that..." My mother stated. "Shut up mum." I groaned as I began sipping at my cola. Sammy soon came in and threw the door open, "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I JUST SEEN?!" He screamed at me. Fucking hell, I was really in for it now.


Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //Where stories live. Discover now