17: Moving Out

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It had been about six months, we were now in July, prom was coming about soon and I'd just finished my Uni exams, I had told my parents that I was moving out and into the beach house, they seemed okay with it and they needed the extra space for when Dean grew up a little more.

I sighed as I stared around at my almost plain room, all my furniture was still here because the beach house was already furnished. I was currently eight months pregnant, almost due. Not that my parents knew that, but I had to tell them today. My brother walked in and stared down at me, "You just had a phone call." He stated. "Oh." Was all I could say. "From your midwife." He added causing me to drop the things in my hand and turn to him. "Want to explain to me what that's all about?" He asked me. "I... Uh... I'm eight months pregnant." I sighed as I sat on the bed beside him. "Who's the dad?" He asked me. "Thomas." I shrugged. "Look, I'm going to tell mum and dad today so don't worry okay." Was all I could say as I stared at him. He nodded as he hugged me, "It wasn't Jake you had sex with at that University Christmas party... Was it?" He asked. I shook my head, "It was Thomas." I sighed before standing up. "I'm gonna sit them down and tell them, can you take the rest of my things to the beach house." I asked him. "I still don't understand why one girl needs so many clothes and shoes." He laughed as he stood up and carried my bags out to his car as I carefully made my way down the stairs. I know what you're thinking, "wouldn't they have already realised your pregnant, you're eight months for crying out loud", well yes they should but I am very good at keeping things hidden, baggy hoodies and tracksuit bottoms work a treat. Anyway, back to the story.

I walked into the living room and stared at both my parents, both were huddled up on the couch. "Mum... Dad..." I mumbled to get their attention. They both turned to me, "We need to talk." I mumbled. They nodded and sat up, they both placed their hands on their laps and smiled, "Becky..." They began. "Stop, I need to tell you this." I told them. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out. "Eight months to be precise." I added. They both looked flabbergasted and baffled to say the least, "Who's the father?" My dad asked. "Thomas Sangster." I replied. "I don't need anything from you except your support." I told them. "I know dumping this on you on the day I leave is not good but you deserved to know before I give birth." I added. "Rebecca, you're too young to be a mother." My mum stated. "Yeah, and too far gone for a termination." My father let my mother know. "You gave birth to Sammy at my age." I argued back with my mother. I then sighed, "Look, I'm not going to force you to accept it. Okay? I just thought that you deserved to know." I told her before standing up as Sammy pulled up outside.

I left the house and climbed in the passenger seat, "How'd they take it?" He asked me. "Ahhh, I think they're still processing it." I lied as he began driving to the beach house.

He parked up and turned to me with a smile, "You're home." He smiled at me. "Thanks Sammy." I replied as I climbed out of the car. "Oh, Sammy, what did the midwife say?" I asked as I glanced back. "She'll come and visit you later with Thomas, she said she wants to make sure you've been doing the breathing exercises and all that crap that expecting Mother's are supposed to do." He shrugged with a smile. I nodded, "Thanks Sammy." I said again before heading into the house. Thomas wouldn't be here until later as he was at work.

I sat at the kitchen island, my little girl was kicking my stomach happily as I finished a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I stared around as sighed as I waited for the midwife to arrive. "Hey love, I'm home!!" Someone called through the house. He then came into the kitchen and smiled, he hugged me tight before pressing a kiss to my forehead. "So... It's prom night tonight." He stated. "Go, have fun." I replied with a smile. "That's not what I was getting at." He replied. "Okay, So I bought movies, popcorn, peanut butter seeing as it's one of your cravings, chocolate, ice cream and fresh apple juice." He added with a smile as he held up the new Jumanji movie starring Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson. A large smile found its way to my lips before I engulfed him into a hug, "We can start that once the midwife has been." I stated causing him to panic. "Midwife? Why is she coming? Is something wrong?!" He asked. "Thomas, no. She just wants to make sure I've been doing the breathing exercises and to make sure I'm ready for when it comes to giving birth which will be soon." I replied with a smile. "Oh, thank god." He replied with a sigh of relief as he headed to the fridge and began making himself a ham and cheese salad which I crinkled my nose up at.

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