"I swear, the town will talk of this party for months to come. The Mikaelson's have arrived, and doesn't everyone know it" he said with a smile.

"Well, Katherine is hardly one to shy away from attention. Though, I am surprised at Elijah, he usually prefers a more low key atmosphere." she said.

"Perhaps he has waited too long for that which matters to him the most, and now, he would do anything to make her happy" Tyler suggested and Caroline gulped her champagne, as his dark eyes searched hers.

"Why! Mr Lockwood, how wonderful to see you" Isobel Pierce's voice had not softened with age, rather the opposite in fact, and Caroline smiled to see and John again. They had travelled up from Virginia, and were now staying in the city. Suffice to say, Isobel, having given up hope that her daughter would ever marry, was beside herself with happiness.

"Caroline, my dear. You look splendid" John said, kissing her on the cheek.

"As do you" she replied warmly.

"You must make time for us to drop by this week, I have a little something for Ellie" he murmured with wink and Caroline could not prevent the surge of affection for her would be parents. As Tyler and Isobel conversed, Caroline talked with John of the hospital plans and her new town house.

"When I heard he had returned, and was very much alive, I must admit I was expecting a reconciliation long before now." Caroline forced a neutral expression to her face.

"You speak of... my former husband?" she said.

"Who else, my dear? Of course I do, that scoundrel. For he was a scoundrel even then, and I had many misgivings about allowing the match, yet, there was a certain something in his demeanour when he spoke of you that led me to believe he would never hurt you, not intentionally of course. Well, what do I know? I am just a foolish old man... but I am glad to see that you have laid these issues to rest, and made peace between yourselves. How did he take the news of Ellie?" John asked, as Caroline frowned at him slightly.

"He does not know, I have not yet had opportunity to tell him." John raised his eyebrows at this, seemed surprised.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Only that if you wish to tell him, I would be quick about it, my dear, lest he find out from another, there are some here tonight who might tell him in anger I think."

"Here tonight?" Caroline echoed, confusion colouring her words. John suddenly understood her, and touched her shoulder gently.

"Caroline. Lord Niklaus is here tonight. I have seen him with my own eyes." at his words, Caroline felt her heart die in her chest and her mouth dry up. Here. He was present. Caroline had no words, she felt an escalating panic build in her chest, and making a rapid excuse, she turned and went toward the ladies room. She kept her head down, suddenly afraid of seeing that face, amidst the crowd.

The powder room was cool and quiet, and she sank down onto one of the divans and closed her eyes. He was here, he had finally come. Since Elijah had told her that Klaus was in the city, she had known it was only a matter of time until they met. As always, she was drawn to him, pulled his direction, and she knew he felt it too. Fate had set them on colliding paths from the start, and all they could do was follow them, as much as they tried to avoid it.

"Caroline?" A voice asked from the door, and she looked up to see Rebekah entering the room.

"What is it?" she asked, sitting beside her.

"It's... Klaus. He is here." she whispered. She saw the news reach Rebekah, causing her face to lose its colour, the laughter drain from her eyes. Rebekah reached her hand out and squeezed Caroline's.

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