Chapter 4

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As the main course was cleared by servers, Katherine glanced over at Caroline, Rebekah and Kol and thought how much fun they seemed to be having. Rebekah was like a different person tonight, Katherine mused. She glanced to the top of the table and noticed the tense stillness that surrounded Niklaus and her sister. Elena was listening politely to Mikael talking about something or other, whilst his son was aimlessly toying with his food and frequently glancing down the table toward them.

"And will your sons inherit the business?" Mr Pierce was asking

"Elijah and Finn shall make a good job of it hope." Mikael said casually, drinking yet more wine.

"And you Lord Niklaus, do you enjoy the pursuit of business?" Isobel had asked Klaus, politely including him in the conversation. Klaus went to answer, but was interrupted by his father.

"My son has a limited capability for mentally demanding pursuits, however, I hope that this marriage may change that. At the very least I shall expect some grandchildren out of him, that he should manage just fine." He laughed toward the end, but it could not distract from the shocking words nor the dark tone beneath them. Isobel, determined not to let her husband become upset smoothly interjected.

"I myself cannot wait for grandchildren. The more the better, and a full home is a happy home, I always say." she said, allowing everyone to relax.

"Miss Pierce. I must congratulate you on tonight." A deep voice cut in and pulled Katherine away from her eavesdropping. Slightly flustered, she turned to Elijah, who was sitting beside her.

"And why would that be, Lord Elijah? I have done little of note this evening."

"That is exactly why I am congratulating you. You have acted well within the bounds of societal propriety" he remarked, bestowing a rare smile on her.

"That is the upmost importance to you, is it not?" Katherine said, watching as his well mannered handling of his cutlery and drinking glass.

"Absolutely. It is a mark of good breeding, proper education and I believe even a measure of a person's very moral fabric. If seen as such, I fail to see how anyone could not hold it in the upmost importance." he finished earnestly, and Katherine held inside a giggle at his seriousness.

"Well, I'm afraid I must tempt your disfavour by disagreeing with you, my Lord. I believe there are several things more important."

"I see, may I enquire as to what they could be?"

"You may enquire, however I must decline to answer or risk losing your congratulations." her dark eyes flashing, she saw the shock of her words in his. His smooth, tanned neck, barely visible under his starched collar and cravat, tinged a slight pink, as he picked up his wine glass a little roughly, taking a large draught. Putting it down he looked back to her, with a dry look.

"Miss Pierce, you seem to enjoy provoking me."

"And you, my Lord, seem to enjoy controlling me." she said lightly, with a warm smile at him, and watched as his dark eyes finally creased in a returning smile.

"Well, it seems we are quite the pair." he murmured in a voice that sent shivers up Katherine's spine. Instead of answering she took a drink, and fought the blush that threatened to envelop her face.

Dinner finally finished, with the ladies withdrawing to the drawing room and leaving the men to their cigars and cognac.

Caroline had barely made it onto the divan, before Rebekah was at her side urging her up.

"Come, Mrs Pierce gave me permission to show you around the house."

"Oh" was all Caroline could think as Rebekah propelled her from the room. They ascended a very long and very luxurious staircase. Walking along the hall, Caroline noticed a series of family portraits on the wall, and she was able to identify every Mikaelson from them, except one.

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