"Monsieur, êtes-vous bien?" a nurse rushed to his side, as he coughed again and again, unable to drag air into his lungs. His eyes were dripping, and he realised he was unable to contain his emotion, as it exploded out of him. The nurse fussed around him, as he sat hugging his knees to his chest, he could not tear his eyes from the paper lying on the floor.

Dear Caroline

It was the end of everything, his search, their hope, the legal case.. all for nothing. Caroline would remain alone, Ellie fatherless and their family reduced again. The fuss was growing around him, and he struggled to his feet, reaching down for the letter, he folded it carefully and put it into his pocket. Grabbing the identity papers, he left the church, the nurse and doctor staring after him.










January 1814

Christmas had been an intimate affair at the Mikaelson's estate. Ellie had loved it, though she missed her uncle Elijah, as they all did. News from abroad worried them all, especially that pertaining to France.

When word reached them from Elijah that he would be home soon, the house was thrown into disarray. There was no word on how his search had gone, or if he was returning alone. Caroline watched the road each day, her heart pounding. Elspeth asked constantly why everyone was nervous, yet they had no reply for her. Caroline rehearsed what she would say to Klaus, how she would introduce their daughter, one that everyone had believed would die, her miracle.

Caroline had woken from the dream of the burnt house, the letter no longer rested on her stomach, yet the curious sensations remained. It was not the letter, nor the dream, it was her child. She dropped her hands to it, cupped her womb, each movement sending shocks straight through her. The doctor had told her that these movements that she felt in her dreams were merely imaginings, flights of fancy for a grieving mother, and she had started to believe him. She had started to give up. They had not attempted to remove the child immediately, as her body was already too traumatised from the the fall. A few days later, when she moved to the Pierces, she had hardly let anyone near her, and would not hear of it.

She dragged herself out of bed, and walked to Bonnie's room. The floor was cold against her bare feet and her nightgown flapped around her ankles, still stretched tight over her stomach. As she reached the stair to Bonnie's room, she heard the footsteps, almost running. Waiting at the bottom, she saw Bonnie come into view. Her hair covered in a cap, her own loose nightgown covered by a heavy dressing gown, Bonnie stared at her with wide eyes as she slowly came down the stairs.

"How is it possible?" Bonnie whispered. Caroline took her hand and pulled it to her stomach, where she quickly felt the sharp kicks that were going on inside, from a child that was not ready to give up.

"I heard it crying... in my dreams... I didn't listen. I'm sorry" Bonnie murmured, turning to lead Caroline back to bed, to examine her.

"I heard her too, yet I had to be kicked in the stomach to believe it..." Caroline said with a gasp as the baby moved again. She settled back down, and Bonnie pulled her nightgown up, running her hands over the swollen skin.


"I think it's a her" Caroline said, a happy tear running down her cheek.

"Why, you are stronger than any of us gave you credit for, little one" Bonnie was saying.

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