"Allow me" he said and she pulled away.

"I'd rather not" she said, walking away from him to inspect the dressing rooms.

"Caroline, we must talk about this" he said and she turned to face him.

"I know. But not tonight. I cannot tonight." she said, and he could hear the exhaustion in her voice. She glanced at the bed, and saw to her horror the servants had spread fresh flowers on the bed. She stared at them and Klaus turned to look too. The romantic scene made a mockery of them for a second.

"Are there not separate rooms? For man and wife? I thought it was an English custom" she said. He shook his head.

"Westmere is unusual, it is a place of intimacy. If you want... I shall sleep in the guest bedroom" he said.

"No" she said, and he looked up in surprise at her, his heart leaping at her words, was she forgiving him already?

"I do not wish the servants to know we are at odds. On our wedding night no less." she said with a bittersweet smile. Of course, he realised, of course she could not forgive him like that.

"There is a couch, in my dressing room." he offered and was rewarded with a slight smile.

"Thank you" she said, unwrapping her shawl and taking off her gloves. A knock at the door signalled that their cases had arrived. Clearing his throat, he opened the door and began directing the footmen into place with them. Caroline came over to supervise the unpacking of her things with a maid. He realised they would have to promote someone to be her lady's maid. A while later he could see she was wilting, and announced that the rest of the unpacking would have to be the next day. Closing the door behind the departing help, he looked Caroline who was unpinning her hair.

"Are you hungry?"

She shook her head, wordlessly and he cast about for something else to say. He wanted to grab her and kiss her, remind her of their connection... he wanted to fall to his knees before her, and tell her the whole truth, in all it's ugliness and have no more secrets between them. But she had asked for some time, and the least he could do was give it to her. He hesitated, seeing her eyes find his in the mirror.

"Good night." she said shortly, returning her attention to untangling the complicated wedding style of her hair.

"Good night" he replied, going to his dressing room, and shutting the door, feeling like a dog who was slinking off with it's tail between it's legs.








The soft sound of clothes rustling woke Caroline from the deepest sleep she had had in weeks. The room was growing light with morning sun, and she cracked eyes open a touch. A maid was setting the fire quietly. She sat up, noticing that Klaus had brought his clothes through, making it look as though he had slept beside her.

"What time is it?" Caroline asked, and the maid jumped, turning quickly.

"It is... a little before 8, Milady." she said, bobbing into a curtesy, Caroline frowned at the unusual address.

"Please, just call me Caroline."

"Lady Caroline." the maid repeated, turning back to her fire. Caroline sighed and swung her legs out of bed. She pulled on her dressing gown and walked over the the wall of windows. Suddenly the maid appeared beside her, sweeping back the heavy floor-length drapes with a smile.

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