Chapter 18

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Namjoon hastily pulled himself off the floor and straightened himself. Forcing a rather meek smile on to his face, he helped Jin's sister up.

She was pretty to say the least, just like Jin. Big pouty pink lips was the first thing he'd noticed on Jin, she had the same.

Smooth skin and pretty doe eyes. Her hair was fairly short, medium length and cute little barely there bangs.

She was the child of cute and pretty or just the sister of Jin. She was actually really goregous, Namjoon didn't swing that way or anything.

But he had to admit she was pretty, he took a look at her brother. She was basically the girl version of him.

She turned to Jin and cocking her head a little bit, studied Namjoon. "Is this you're boyfriend" she asked her voice a little softer than expected.

Namjoon turned to look at Jin questionably, a pale blush forming on his cheek. Him Jin's boyfriend? No? Not ever?

"She became deaf at the age of thirtee, so she can speak" Jin explained and his sister's eyebrows raised a bit.

"Can you go a bit slower? It's hard for me to read you're lips. Did you say he's your boyfriend? If you did, I totally ship it, you two look so cute together" She mummered her tone higher than before.

Now it was Jin's turn to flush he quickly signed something, and Namjoon knowing bits and pieces of sign language quickly caught it.

"I told you I'm straight"

Namjoon looked away, of course he was straight. What had he expected? Them to date, why was he setting himself up for heartbreak after Taehyung.

Hadn't he learn his lesson yet? What more does he need, more heartbreak?

Jin's sister turned to look at Namjoon, from the heartbroken look on his face he probably didn't know sign language.

She turned to her brother and instead of speaking quickly signed "You sure don't act like it?"

Jin registed the urge to roll his eyes, his sister hated that. He hastily singed "No, I've told you. Guys don't attract to me."

She hummed a bit, unknowingly. And sighed "You don't even like girls, say they're all petty."

Namjoon rejected the urge to giggle, he was eavesdropping while they talked about him. "Hey, guys can be petty too." He sighed, thinking of himself. He was the prettiest person he knew.

His sister smiled, she loved Jin he never treated her differently. If he was having a bad day, he would have a good day so she could be happy.

If he was unhappy, he'd find his happiness in making his sister happy. She deserved so much better, he loved her so.

They had a speacial relationship, a stronger bond than most siblings. Maybe it was because they're parents really ingored them. Leaving them to take care of themself, it had bought them real close.

"Are you sure you don't like Namjoon" she asked jokingly, a small smile daunting her face.

Jin scrunched his face a bit "I think maybe I do."

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