"Always". I held my pinky.

She wrapped her pinky around mines and scurried off.

"Well that's settled. Imma go take a nap". I yawned.

Tommy nodded and kissed my lips.

I went upstairs and  got in the bed.


I woke up and looked at the time. It was around eight o'clock. I went to the bathroom, I peed and took a shower. I put on some pajamas and went downstairs. Tommy and the kids was watching TV.

"Babe my stomach hurts". I laid on his shoulder.

I don't know if this was indegestion or gas. But I was getting some pains in my lower back and stomach.

"You want me to get chu some ginger ale?". Tommy looked to me and I nodded.

He got up and went into the kitchen.

I just laid on my side, causing the pain to subside.

"Here you go baby". He handed me a Canada Dry.

I opened it and drank some.

I laid on his chest.

"You sure you feeling ok?". He asked.

"I think so my back and stomach is killing me". I winced as another sharp pain hit my lower back causing me to latch onto Tommy's shirt.

"I think y'all need to go to the hospital". Rashad suggested.

"Ok let's go". Tommy stood up.

He helped me up and grabbed my hospital bag. I took my phone and charger.

Rashad agreed to watch the kids.

Tommy led me to the car.

He opened my door and we drove to the hospital. I needed to call Mani.

"Bae-hand me my phone please". I breathed slowly as another contraction hit.

"I think I'm in labor". I winced.

I clicked on Mani's picture through watery eyes.

"Hello?". Mani answered.

"Mani-I think I'm in labor". I breathed slowly.

"What?! Ok, I'm on the way to the hospital". I heard shuffling in the background.

I hung up and Tommy grabbed my hand.

"We almost there baby girl. Just hold on". He reassured me.

I nodded because if I talked, I would cry.

It felt like somebody was stabbing me in my lower back and my damn pelvis.

He pulled into the closest parking lot and jumped out the car.

He came to my side of the car and picked me up bridal style.

He quickly walked to the entrance.

"I need help! I think my wife going into labor". He yelled.

They wheeled in a wheel chair and he put me in it.

"Ok. We are going to get her a room as soon as possible". The nurse wheeled me toward these two double doors.

She scanned her ID barcode and the doors opened.

"Ok ma'am, on a scale of one to ten how bad is your pain?". She asked me.

"About a seven". I winced as another contraction hit.

"Ok and when is your due date?". She asked.

Makin Movesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें