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I stand on the hill I sat on so many times as a child looking over the walls. Pip stood beside me looking down at our old home. It hasnt changed. I thought it would have maybe decayed or had weeds over grow it. But its just like we left it accept dead. The Orcs are nocturnal. Its not often you'd see them in the day. To noticeable. At night. Its next to impossible.
"Are you alright?"
He sighs "yeah. Its strange"
If thats what he wants to call it "these last few weeks... all the preparing...I forgot about this bit" I feel my breathing becoming heavier.
And hand settles on my back "calm yourself"
"I dont know how"
"Breath" Toby whispers into my ear "just breath"
Breath. I am breathing! Thats whats causing this! But I listen to his words and I get more control of it.  Balling my fists up so they stop shaking.
"Its quiet" the kingdom was never quiet.  It was always alive and loud.
"Come on... we have a lot to sort out"
He's right. I need to get my head into this. I turn to my army and look at the trees... something about them seems... i dont even know
"I need to see something"
I ignore everyone call after me. I ignore everyone watching me. Somethings going on.
I keep walking through the trees and they seem to get darker. Smoke seems to lie through the branches...
Shit! I go to pull my blades but my arms go tight. So tight i cant move my body
"Listen before you act child"
I look up at the women with black marks down her face. Like tears "what do you want witch"
She looks me over "not everything is as it seems Patrisha. Will you allow me to help"
"Why would I trust a witch?!" Their the only thing i can't fight. I can physically attack everything else. A witch. If she places one of her spells like this. It doesn't matter what you do.
She sighs "your a lot like your father was as a young man"
"You knew him?"
She smiles "of course... I've waited for your return... all you can do is trust I am not an enemy" she taps her foot and my body becomes loose. I fall to the floor but quickly get to my feet "you have my word i am here to help. You need me Patrisha" what do i do?! "I could have killed you already. I didnt"
"What's your name?"
"You may call me Shar. My full names quite difficult"
She smiles "hello Patrisha"
"You were my fathers consort"
She chuckles "of sorts" she should have warned him! She should have known "I couldnt know my dear" what? "Your thinking so hard, your practically shouting at me"
"Stay out of my head"
She nods "theres thing I know that I am forbidden to tell Patrisha... fate is something I can't destroy. Everything has its course"
"Your telling my family was meant to die... that men women and children were meant to be butchered!"
"Yes... im sorry to tell you that! I am... i know how hard it is for you to hear. But death is just as big as birth in fate. Death is the biggest reason people live. A fire that burns through a forrest destroys it. But it grows twice as fast and twice as strong... your parents death has made you into a force! You've joined with 3 kingdoms-"
"I know! Its mostly what everyone wants to praise me about. So stop! My parents didnt die for me to become strong! They died because the wards were down. Wards, you! Was meant to keep up"
"No... they were broken"
The Orcs arent that strong. Not to get through magic.
"You wont understand yet. But you will. Soon" Why are they so cryptically!

Everyone stands on edge around Shar and no one looks her in the face.
Toby looks back at us and stands straight "Shartigioliana"
"Come again half breed?"
"Everyone... this is Shar. She was my fathers concort" they all look back and everyone reacts different. Harjo and Brent a lot like I was. Matiloni and Driatro bow their heads. Albert just glares.
Toby comes around and takes her hand "my dear" my what?! "Its been to long"
She smiles and kisses their joined hands "it has. Youve done amazing with her"
He smiles "I didnt have to"
"Toby, do we have to have a talk about attractions" pip chuckles.
I dont find it funny. A witch! Who is she?! Where the hell has she been if their that close!
I turn back to the table to look at what theyve done already. Looking to the sky. Its midday already. We need to hurry.
"Patrisha. A word" i look up at Albert and want to refuse him. I want to tell him to go to hell. He can't use me anymore. But the truth is. I don't know if I'll get out of his debt.
I nod and turn to Harjo and Matiloni  "make sure your all ready. This could go wrong" they both frown down at me "no matter what. I wont abandon either of you"

Albert stayed in front and I follow slowly behind "we're getting to close"
"I wouldn't worry to much" why wouldn't I worry! I look up the walls and try stay ready. If anything jumps at either of us. I need to deal with it.
"Put them away. You dont need them"
... "what?"
He looks back at me and shrugs "you dont need them. Theres nothing in there" he carries on to the gates... what?
I drop my swords and rush at him. Knocking him to the ground "What did you do?! What have you done!" I scream grabbing his shirt.
Im grabbed and pulled away from him. Looking around at the men that stand in my home! He climbs to his feet and chuckles "I did what was best!"
I try fight out of the arms but they've got me tight.
"Once Justin told me he wanted the kingdom I thought of everyway. He liked it so much he'd have married a brat like you to get it! Id have made sure he wouldnt have been married to you long! As long as he got his kingdom!"
"Yes! I had to wait til the Orcs deserted the place and had to show sympathy! I was meant to put a campaign to make it great again! But then you showed up! You, twisted every plan! And my son came back to me! Said that he'd marry you for the castle! Win the war together and claim it together!"
"No... no!"
He laughs "you think he loved you?! Are you so stupid! It was all his idea! He'd make you fall in love-"
"And then marry you for the kingdom!" He laughs "it would have all worked! Then! I heard what you said to that dog and Matilioni! Make sure Justin gets it... so all you have to do... is die"
"Trish!" I hear Harjo shout and fighting behind me.
'Its funny how your suddenly interest now the palace is nearly won'
He used me... he let me go without a fight... I look up to the king "your going to kill me?"
He shrugs and I'm thrown to the ground. He used me... my hair gets taken and I'm pulled to my knees. He smiles down to me "dont take this personally my dear... you was meant to die a long time ago"

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