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"The wolves have decided to call a truce. So thats obviously a big help, but-"
"Trish?" I look up to the cave and Pip's stood there frozen "Matiloni?" He comes over to us. Obviously shocked "is it really you?"
"Hello Pip"
He laughs "oh my god! Its good to see you" he takes his hand and pulls him. into one of his big hugs.
"Matiloni?" Justin's just stood there watching us "the elven prince?" He looks to me
But he doesnt look so excited. Hes gone stone faced again. But behind him. Harjo's stood there looking angry. His nose flaring. Hes tense... oh god...
I look back to Matiloni "I'll be back in a minute" I start walking away "Harjo, come with me" he doeant take his eyes off Matiloni as he follows.
Once we're a good distance away he starts pacing "you told me he was dead"
"I thought he was"
His breathings heavy "well thats game over for me isn't it... he walks back in like he hasnt been gone!"
"Harjo, calm down" I grab his arm but he pulls it away from me "Harjo?"
"Dont! Just dont! Hes been gone 3 years and didnt bother letting anyone know he was alive! He did that to you! And he comes back and you dont even question!"
"Its not as simple as that-"
"Yes! It is!" He just stops and stares at me "he fucking broke your heart and you dont even remember... I'd rather see you with that damn prince than with someone who cares so little about you"
I laugh "really? At least he isnt chasing something he cant catch"
He freezes and just stares at me "wow... you know what... great... go back with your fairy... see how far it'll get you Patrisha... I'm not protecting you anymore..." he shakes his head and turns away...
I didnt mean to say that 'Harjo... Harjo!" But he morphs and runs... what have I done?!
I wouldn't be able to catch him if I tried. So I turn back towards the cave.

On the walk back to the palace. Id heard Pip ask Matiloni a lot of questions but about where hes been what hes been up too. But I cant stop thinking about Harjo and what I said to him
The place seems too calm. And I dont like it. No ones on edge. Toby waits outside the gates and smiles widely once we get in. Running over to Matiloni and wraps his arms around him "oh! My boy! Its great to see you! This is the best news! Isn't it Trish?"
"Uh... yeah. Where's Harjo?"
"He left after explaining that Matiloni was alive" what?!
Justin looks at me and takes my arm "I'll find him"
"No! Thats a bad idea! I'll-"
"Im probably the only one he'll listen to right now... leave it to me"
"Justin! There you are!" I look over at the Dame who pushes me away to get under his arm.
"Catherine! It isn't the time" he pulls free and kisses my head "trust me" I don't have to much choice.
"Alright" he turns but I pull him back and kiss his cheek "thank you"
"Excuse me!" But neither of us listen to her complaints. He just looks down at me and nods before running to the stables. Please be safe and not stupid!
"I don't know what your pulling! But I've warned you before! I won't do it again! Leave. Him. Alone!" Catherine slaps across my cheek and I don't react. I don't even say anything back. I have bigger things to worry about than her being a child. And she marches back to the palace. And all I can do is stand here and think about what I said to Harjo.
"Patrisha?" I can't! I tun towards the lake "Patrisha?" I pull my clothes off as I run. People looking at me like I've lost my mind. Maybe I have.
I dive into the water and just stay under with my eyes closed tight. Letting the cold seep into my skin. Feeling my eyes tingle but I'm not crying if the water takes my tears.
Ive been so long without Matiloni. Ive forgot who was there to keep me together. And I pushed Harjo away like that. He took my anger. He took my hurt. And I've just thrown it all back at him. As hard as he comes across. I broke him. The way he looked at me!
Toby and Pip were my safety blanket. And he was my rope. He took me out of the safe zone but never let me get lost and always brought me back.
My arm gets grabbed and I'm pulled up. I choke on the air I forgot I needed "what do you think your doing?!" I open my eyes and Harjos blinking back the water on his lashes. Clinging to my arms tight "Trish!"
"You left" I cry "you left!" I hit his chest.
He stares at me "I left the castle. As soon as I saw the dipshit rushing out, I caught him and he told me I had to talk to you! And for him to say something like that! Of course I came back! Then I find you under the water!"
I wrap my arms around his neck and he just holds me to him "you cant leave me again! Please!"
He sighs but holds me, kissing my bare shoulder "I didn't Trish... I wouldn't... I promised I'd help you"
"She's alright" I look back to the shore and Justin's up to his waist in the water "My queen... I'm not the best swimmer" I laugh and hold him tighter. Actually starting to kick my own legs instead of relying on him to hold me up "why are you so upset?"
I wipe my eyes and push my hands in the water. Drenching him a little more "I'm not upset" I swim back towards the shore
"Admit it. You got worried"
"I need you for my army" he chuckles and swims beside me. Shaking his head like the dog he is. Justin pulls off his shirt and hands it to me "thank you"
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah" I sniff and look between them "I think its time we all talk about what's going to happen"

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