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"I'm sure if you told the king that you didnt like your bed, he'd have it changed. Why are you staying out here?" I couldn't care less about what the king could or wouldn't give me. Why would I? "So... Harjo was in a foul mood. Nearly broke Brents arm because he was the only one with balls to see what was wrong" I dont like the idea of Brent getting hurt. But something in me just... I cant be asked to care "Trish. You've never not been able to talk to me before. Whats wrong?"
I gulp "Harjo just said some things"
He laughs "you never let that get to you before"
"Because he's never been as serious as he was"
"Oh... right" he sits beside me and I role on my side to cuddle into him "what he say?"
"He uh... he just reminded me of what Albert put me through" and he wasn't wrong. He did wage war and he did try buy me for their safety "I don't know why I thought Albert would have some sort of commitment to help us... better yet, why did Toby make me believe it?"
"I don't know Trish... I dont know" he strokes up my arms and it actually makes me tired "remember when we were kids on that swing... you said you'd be a bird... well maybe this is you flying Trish... You've come to the 2 men you feared throughout your childhood. Faced them and your fighting to get what you want. That takes a lot Trish! And to top it off. You've shown them just how strong of a person you are"
"I just have a feeling this is all a rouse. I don't believe it..."
"I don't know"
"You don't bloody know much do you?!"
He laughs "I wasn't brought up in grand halls. I was brought up in the stables Trish... but I do know that if the king really wanted the land or the kingdom. Do you really think he wouldn't have got it by now?"
What? "No, he wouldn't. It wouldn't be worth his men"
"Oh please Trish! Come on. You're smarter than that! He doesn't care about his men and you know it! I'm 100% with Harjo on that fact. He's a cunt!" Great! "But I dont agree about the Prince... I have a lot of trust in him"
I laugh "how can you trust him? You dont know him... I dont know him!"
He laughs "I, Actually, have talked to him. I haven't pushed anyone here away like you"
"I haven't pushed anyone away?"
"Of course you have! You eat your food and leave. You come to functions for as little of time as you can. Then you leave. You havent spoken to anyone here"
"I have!... I talked to the Dame"
He laughs "Cathrine? She's not a Dame" I dont care what she is "and how did that go?"
"Great! She's going to get me some classes in ettiquitte"
"Bullshit! She doesnt know what the word means" he doesnt have to tell me that "talk to the prince. Hes a good man"
"I cant"
Oh god, I didnt want anyone knowing this "because he found me and Hardio talking"
... "we uh... wasn't just talking" he pulls away and stares at me "The prince found us kissing"
His eyes go wide and he just stares at me "that uh... that explains his mood... you kissed him?!"
Oh god!
"I'm not here to talk about this. If you're not going to be helpful. Leave me alone"
He laughs at me again. Can he not take anything seriously?! "Sometimes Trish... I forget we even got off that swing" he kisses my head "I love you"
"I love you too"
Pip looks up and back "ah shit... Trish go after him"
After who? Who? Oh god! Prince Justins walking away back to the palace. The man knows times to pick! "I dont know what to say" damn it! I climb up and chase after him"Your highness! Your highness! Stop! Please!"
He turns back to me "it appears I keep interupting you. I apologise. But I have to warn you, in socity, you cant just sleep with every man and just be treated normal. It might be alright in your forest with your creatures. But not here!"
"I'm not sleeping with anyone... yes, I kissed Harjo. Why? I dont bloody know! But I did... I dont understand why that would be a problem"
"It just is!"
"Then explain it to me!" Im not being treated like a child when I've done nothing to offend anyone! "The only promise I have over my head is my own! So why is it so wrong that I do as I please! I enjoy feeling nature on my bare skin! I like to fight with no rules! It turns out! I enjoy kissing! So what! Am I doing wrong?! I've known Harjo since I was 11 years old! He's no stranger to me!"
"He's not even human Patrisha!"
"Stop calling me that!"
"It is your name!"
"Not anymore!" He stares down at me. The veins in his neck bulging. His eyes wide "I am not that helpless princess who hides anymore"
"But you are" he turns from me once again and Im sick of seeing this mans back! I head up to him and swip my leg low, tripping him to the ground.
"I am talking to you"
The way he's looking at me now is something I'm not used to from him. Shock, anxious maybe? He's just-
My ankles get taken out from me and I fall to the floor heavily. He quickly gets above me, pinning my wrists "The only! Reason I've let you act up this this way is because you was suppose to be my wife! The guilt I felt when I thought you was dead! Then the guilt to find out you wasnt! That! Is the only reason Im helping you and sorting my army to get your home! So, stop making it hard to do! I can stop it all!" His grip on my wrists tighten before he gets up, pulling me with him "now I suggest you get some rest! Your going to be meeting my soldiers tomorrow"

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