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Everything about this feels wrong. Walking through towns of people. Last time I was with this many people, I was running from my own castle. 
Everyone that looks my way is suspicious! Toby assures me no one will recognise me. If they knew me or not. But you can never know that. If they recognise me, who knows how they'd react. 
Pip looks like he's in the same boat as me. Being just our trio for the last 15 years makes a small town feel like the whole world.
"We shouldn't be here" Pip keeps close to me, barging anyone who tries get remotely close to any of us. His height and build giving him the advantage to do so.
"Maybe not, but it doesn't matter now, we are" I keep my hood down as we approach the gates.
"I'll do the talking until we meet with King Albert. You both keep quiet, your a brother and sister who's homes have been invaded and you need help. Once we have a presence with the king-"
"We know" Pip groans as we head in. Guards questioning us on what we want, where we're going, where we've come from. And Toby does well to keep to his story. Telling them that hes a traveller who found us and could assist us to the closest kingdom who could help. And to warn them of a group of rogue Orcs. 
Well I mean... Its not a complete lie! 
It was all going great until they asked us to strip ourselves of weapons and cloaks! I hold my blades close, not wanting to leave them with these... these... I cant even insult them! I don't know what sort of people they are!
So I pull my blades from my waist band and give them to the guard who looks at them shocked "Elven blades?"
I nod as I take my cloak off, throwing it over a chair "Yes" Glad we have that out the way. I turn towards Toby who keeps his eyes on everyone. Pip is just sizing everyone up. Obviously a lot more anxious to give anything up "Hand them over Pip, we'll get them back" I tap his back and he relaxes, putting what he has on the table "And if you think we wont... we will" I warn the guards as I follow Toby. The doors opening wide to a large hall. Much like my homes. A tall throne that looks like glass sits at the top of the room. An older man with a long kept beard sitting on it. Reading through a letter. Guards all over the room, mostly in all black uniforms. And then theres the man... And as soon as my eyes land on him, I know who he is! Justin. His brown hair brushed back out of his face. His eyes cling to me. Working me out. His armour is a pail gold and his deep blue cloak tells me he's royal. We had green. Earthly colour. 
I'm not here for him! I look forward again and the king briefly looks at us, his eyes lingering on me "You're not an elf... Yet here you stand in their Armour?" None of your business what I wear! "What do you all want?" He looks back at his paper looking bored.
"Your highness... My  name is Toby Korizindale. I am of the elven folk. My people bestoyed the armour for their great warrior spirits" 
"Warriors you say?" He laughs and his eyes land back on me "Him, I can see being a warrior. This little... well, I cant imagine such a flower to be of much damage"
"Neither does poison oak or nettles yet their very good at getting under skin" Toby looks back at me wide eyed. 
The kings eyes gleam as he watches me "Indeed... Now, what is it your doing here?" 
Toby looks back at him and he's obviously getting nervous. Does he think this is a mistake after all?
I step forward "Your majesty, I've come to ask for your assistance" He stares at me, putting the paper down and gets up, walking around me like he's trying to find a weakness, he wont find one on me! I have look at him "My home was taken by a tribe of rogue Orcs, I've come to ask for assistance in reclaiming it" 
"I see... And uh... such, great warriors, you could not handle it?"
"Not at the time, no" I keep my eyes on him and look past him to see Justin watching me as well. Assessing everything going on. His eyes hard and the sternness in is face isn't something that's not often there. But theres something else. I can see how hard hes thinking. Hes trying to work something out
"Not at the time?... hmm... So I Presume it was a while back. Now tell me, why is it you've come to me now"
Well, here we go "Because I want whats mine" 
"Yours?" He laughs "Not... yours?" He looks at Pip
"No... Allow me to formally introduce myself King Alfred" He smiles over at me finding this all hysterical "My name is Patrisha Redgrave. Princess... Queen of Tyscan" His face turns white now. The whole room turning tense "And I'm here to ask you to help me reclaim my home" 
You could hear a pin drop, you could hear a gulp. You could nearly hear the bead of sweat role down the kings brow "Princess..." He looks me over "No... No, the Princess of Tyscan died along with the kingdom" 

"Yet, here I stand... I was there the day the Orcs took my home... I want it back" 
Alfred looks back at Justin and then back at me "And why should I help you?! A promise was made and it was broken! You ran from your responcibilities" 
I laugh "A promise was not broken... Nor did I run. I was a child. I had no place in a battle! And now... Now I am ready. But, I congratulate you Prince Justin on your engagement" 
Alfreds jaw tightens and he glares at me. Not such a flower now, am I?! "Why should I help you?" 
I smile "Because without me while I breath... You have no claims to it at all" and that's all he wants

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