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I left Pip and Harjo with his men and come back to the castle. I think I owe them an explination. And I think they've taken this seriously! A lot more guards around.
Everyone looking at me like I'm a wild animal.
2 guards flank me and I look back at them. I shouldn't argue. As much as I want to. I find Toby, albert and Justin in his throne room pacing around.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Albert comes at me.
"Making sure your castle wasn't panicing over some lycons. So I suggest you calm down"
Toby glares at me "whats, he, doing here?"
I shrug "he was worried when he heard we'd come here"
Toby scoffs "of course he was"
"That Lycon. Another one of your... friends?" Justin askes not looking at me. Just sharpening his sword.
"If you are suggesting what I think, no. He wants to have sex with me and carry his children. As you can see I'm not with children so he's not had his way"
Toby closes his eyes and king Albert tries his best not to laugh. But its Justin. His jaws still tight and he's obviously angry about something "and what does he want?"
I sigh "he's going to be helping me to get my kingdom back"
"I thought that's why you was here, for our help" he's still to look up at me. I guess his swords more interesting.
"The more men I can get to help me. The better. Do you not agree?"
He stands up and now looks at me "there's just one problem. They aren't men" and walks out the room.
..."I'm confused! Have I offended him? What have I done?"
King Edwards just brushes it off "it doesn't matter. So, the Lycons are on side?"
But it does matter. I've obviously offended the prince and that's not something I wanted to do "yes... and I've talked to Harjo and he as agreed to a truce with the elven kingdom until I have my city back"
Toby looks back shocked "and you trust that?"
"What other choice do I have?"
King Albert looks me up and down "it seems my dear you charm all sorts of creatures... it's strange for a Lycon to show such interests in a human. Do you not think its for your heratige?"
"No" I say without hesitation.
"The lycon was infatuated with her before finding out who she was... if only he could take a hint and leave"
"He's here to help me. He's a nuicence. Yes. But hes willing to fight for me" Toby just looks at the floor "I know you dont like him... but the Lycons share the Orcs speed... they'd be useful"

The sun had gone down and I just look out at the lake that sits beside the castle. How am I so out of touch with these people. I know I upset Justin. But I don't know what I've done. I'm doing what I can to make sure this goes as safely as possible and I seem to have done it wrong.
I take my armour off leaving me in my white shirt that clings to my body like a second skin. Peeling that up and the air hits my body hard. This is what I am. I cant change for the sake of others. I stand and pull my trousers from my legs and step into the water. Its cooler than it had been yesterday. Its actually just how I like it. Cold. I start stroking my way through the water. Dipping under and looking through the darkness. Only the moon shining through the ripples. Coming back up and just treading water.
What can I do? I cant even keep the promise my parents made. At least if I had that... they'd have some commitment to helping. And if thats what it took... I'd have taken it!
But I cant.
"You like it out here" I turn and look at the man himself "I'd been told you'd taken a swim yesterday"
I start the swim back to him "I didn't realise that me taking a swim was something that was to be reported"
He looks away from me "I dont think its so much the swim"
I smile "it's the fact I'm naked, isn't it?"
He coughs but nods "yes... I suppose it was"
"Does it offend you?"
He looks up at me now "It's just not done here"
"So it does offend you and your people... if I thought it would upset people as it has. I would have been more careful" I stand up and he looks back to the ground "I dont remember to much of my life before the attack... I remember feeling sad. Seperated from the world... alone... and we was attacked. We came to the woods and our lives changed completely. It wouldn't be an issue to be seen or see anyone naked. It wasnt... offensive. Or... exciting.... it was... just the way of the forrest. Natural... so now... it's hard to remember how people can be upset with such things when they havent experienced such freedom... like a bird"
He looks me in the eyes "I uh... I remember your kingdom... your parents... I remember them being very strict on you"
What? "You knew my parents?"
He nods "yes... they uh... they wouldn't let me meet you formally, but... I had seen you around the castle"
When? "I dont remember"
"I dont suppose you do... you was a child at the time. That was when my father made the proposition of our engagement"
Oh "that must have been hard for you. To be used for your fathers sake"
He stares at me and shakes his head "no, I knew it would happen with someone eventually... and it would benefit me in the future"
I suppose so "but... youv
'Ve found your fiance. It could have been very different. Im happy you found your future bride"
He nods and looks back to the ground "Cathrine... yes, she... she is incredibly affectionate"
... his eyes have gone hard again "you dont like that... do you? Do you even want to marry her?"
"It doesnt matter-"
"Of course it matters... you're meant to rule with this women... when I found out about our engagement I was so mad at my parents for making that decision for me... you are a man... you can choose who you want to marry"
His jaw goes tight "I don't get what I want like you think... and I'm sorry the idea of your marriage to me repulsed you so" he nods before walking away
I grab his arm "No! Wait! Why are you so easily offended?! I didnt know you. Why would I be happy about marrying you? I was a child! I knew I wouldnt be able to find my own husband but it would have at least been nice to have met you! And it certainly would have been nice for a proposal instead of a threat of war!" I let go of his arm "How old were you?"
"Im not having this discussion with you while you're indecent-"
"How, old was you?"
He sighs and looks back at me "15"
"I was 9 years old... do you understand that? If you and your fiancee have daughters, would you do that?" He just looks to the water behind me "I was scared Justin... then when we hid... I was so scared because my parents were dead... I didnt know what would happen to me"
He closes his eyes "it took a week for us to get word of the attack... when we'd heard. We marched straight away. And when we'd got there... the kingdom was...it was horrific... I'd have made sure you was safe Princess... I'd have waited until you was of age like I always promised...but to me, you was dead"
"I was weak... I needed everyone to believe I was... especially your kingdom...."
"And here we are... 15 years later... I'll help you get your kingdom back Princess... for all the trouble my father had caused you"
"Youd do that?"

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