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We'd been given rooms to stay in. They'd insisted on us being separated and that we stay unarmed. And Pip really didn't like that. But I made Alfred give his word, until this is sorted, none of us would be harmed by anyone in the castle. 
They'd tried to nurse me, bathe me. I had none of it. I'm not some spoilt little brat that needs tending too! In fact, I'm pretty sure they got the shock of their lives when I had stripped down to next to nothing to dive into the lake. Taking the dirt from the journey off me. My eyes were peeled the whole time. I wasn't risking being caught by surprise by anyone! 
And once I was clean enough to, my, standers. I went back to my room, a trail of water following me through the castle. No courtesy at all, especially for a guest. But I dont want to be seen as a snob here. 
Dresses of all shapes and sizes lined my room. Jewels sat on the bed. And not one of them caught my eye. Nothing here interested me. Not even the tiara that resembled the one I once wore. 
I pull on my armour that naturally fits to my body, the engraving so elegantly done, no man could copy it. It was something that was beyond our eye. 
The rooms filled with laughter as I head into the room I'd met the king in. And once I'm inside, a lot of gasps and shocked faced turn to look at me... I see Toby and Pip sit next to the king. Dressed in finiries. And I want to hit them! We're not here to show off! 
Once I find the seat between them, Toby stares at me and Pip looks like hes laughing inside. The king just watches me. Like I'm a toy he wants to wind up. His son on the other hand. He just stares me down. A red head hanging on his arm, trying to whisper into his ear, but he's having none of it. 
"So! My guards informed me, you had a good bath?" The room gasps at the kings boldness and I want to laugh.
"I did... It was very pleasant, thank you" He chuckles "I have to apologise, my ways aren't necessarily seen as... etiquette or proper the way youd expect them to be"
He laughs loudly "No! No, it would seem not! Yet! Oddly charming... You're nothing I was expecting you to be Patrisha, nothing at all"
"You should see me in combat"
Pip chuckles now and nudges me "I'd like to see that" no! I can't joke like that right now!
"And you Prince Justin? I'm sorry, I cant say I ever knew much of you"
His jaw goes tight and he looks back at the table "Not much to know of me" He's full of secrets. I can see him hiding them!
"I trust your parents told you of such... engagements?"
I think back to the night "They had... I was told that I was promised to Prince Justin the day we were attacked" His fiancée was practically growling at me. Her arms tightening around Justin. I want to laugh at the foolish women covered in gems.
He sighs and looks me dead in the eye "We had searched for you. We even got enough men to hold you castle for long enough to see the damage. We had to presume you were dead"
I shrug "As anyone would. I appreciate the concern though" A plates put in front of me and I just have to stare at it... Sausages... I look at Pip whos mouth is basically watering. I haven't had sausages in years! Pip smiles at me before taking one and stuffing it in his mouth. I take my own and bite into it. Oh my god!
A cough interupts us and we look to Toby whos got a raised brow...
"If the elves eat with their fingers why shouldn't we?"
"You're not elves"
Maybe not! But we was accepted as them!
"You spent a lot of time with the elves?"
I look to the king "I did... to start with I just watched them... then Matiloni, son of the king found me"
"The elven prince?" Justin frowns.
"No, they only name king and queen. No princes, no princess. Just a people and their king and queen"
"You was close to this Matiloni?"
I gulp "yes... he..." my hand gets taken under the table and Toby smiles to me "we had grown close... then he went into a battle... he didnt come back"
"Im sorry to hear that" Justin looks at his plate.
I just nod "I uh... I apologise again. It seems I've forgotten how to be a uh... a lady" I laugh at the word. I was never lady. I was a doll that had to do as I was told.
I take the knife and fork and start cutting through the meat. Its just so... unnecassary! Whats the point!
Once, dinner was finished I was the first to leave. I didnt really want to just wait around to have after dinner talk.
I'd anwsered enough questions in my opinion anyway.
The bedroom I was given was grand. Fit for any king or queen.
So it didnt fit me. Everything about it was to precise. It was to comfortable for me.
So, I do what I do best. I head out.
Guards and people in the halls all watch me like a wild animal. I suppose in ways, I am in comparision to them. But it does entertain me.
Why did I think coming here was anything but foolish?
This isnt my world anymore. Id spent nearly 2/3s of my life in the forest.
Once outside I head into the castle gardens. Its just like I remember my parents was. Neat, prim and groomed.
And anything but natural about a garden.
But its better than the room...well it was. Who evers decided to join me has decided to disrupt my peace.
"Its a little late to wonder outside without a chaperone isn't it?" 
"A chaperone... I'd forgotten I had to worry about such things truth be told" I turn back to prince Justin "what can I do for you your majesty"
"Nothing. Ive only come for some air. Such partys do not interest me like they do my father"
I look him over, the scar on his cheek tells me he likes sword play. His bold size tells me hes not untrained "no, you prefer the field"
He raises a brow "for someone who knew nothing about me, you seemed to have worked that out easily"
"Thats not through knowing. Its through observing"
"And my father? What did you observe from him?"
... I dont think it's the best idea I actually reply. But by not replying, it anwsers it anyway "I think he is a good king to his kingdom"
He chuckles "and the man? What do you think of him?"
... "I think I'll be watching him closer than anyone"
His face turns to the serious one again as he steps fowards me. Leaning down into my face "good" before straightening and walking away...
Well, thats done nothing for my worries!

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