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Whats a chair matter anyway... what makes this one any different from that one.
"And now you sit" but it's just a chair "siiiit" I don't want to "Trish, just sit on the throne" Oh sure! Give it its proper name... its still only a chair "ok. Whats wrong now?"
"I dont want to sit down"
He sighs and takes my shoulders. His old eyes look tired. I guess the last week of getting this place sorted has worn him out. But. Its looking like its coming too.
Justin kept his army here to help rebuild or to help clean the place up, but their leaving today. And I dont know how I feel about it. I dont want to see him because I'll tell him to stay. And I want to see him because I dont want him to go without saying goodbye.
"You're not going to get in trouble for sitting on your own throne"
"Was you even listening?" Toby raises a brow at me.
"No. Sorry" something snaps across my thigh and I look at the stick he has in his hand. Oh! "Will you be allowed to do that after my corrination?"
"Not by the rules. But as me. Of course I am" he winks
"I could just get you arrested"
"You could but you know you wont" he puts a strand of hair behind my ear "now come on... this is your throne"
I take a breath and look back at its but its not my throne. Its my fathers... I don't want to sit on something he should have been on for much longer than he was"
"How about we have you a new throne ready for your corrination?" I look back at Justin who's leant against the door frame "you can have it however you want"
I look back at the chair and nod "Id like that more" he comes over to me and rubs my shoulders with his thumbs "will you be this attentive in the future?"
He chuckles behind me "what? When I'm your husband?"
"If! If! You're my husband" I remind him "you haven't asked and I haven't answered!"
He laughs and kisses the back of my head "yes... yes, I'll look after you like this in the future" his thumb pushes into a knot and it makes me gasp. God that feels good! He comes down to my ear "Make noises like that though-"
"I hear you!" Toby warns as he leans against a table "I dont want to hear all of that"
"Im sorry"
"Oh please!" I laugh "Tobys all up for talking about sex"
Justin chokes behind me. Obviously shocked by what I said and Toby just shakes his head at me "that, was by far the most uncomfortable conversation I ever had with you two"
"Now... i'll go look into someone who can make you a throne"
I look back at Justin and scratch at his long stubble beard "I know. It needs to be shaved"
"No, I like it" I smile. It makes him look manlier. Stronger. Like a king "when do you have to leave?"
He sighs and pulls me to him "soon... I dont want to"
"I know... but! You know. We have to do whats right now! You are going to be king!" I say mocking a mans voice.
He smiles "and you... are going to be a queen" leaning in and kissing me softly. I dont care if Im going to be a queen! I want more of him! I grab his shirt and yank him to me. To the point he actually falls forward knocking me backwards. But he keeps hold of my waist and keeps his lips on mine! But hes leant over me, holding something. I dont care what!
But he pushes me back and he falls down on his knees inbetween my legs. Holding me close to him! One hand behind my back. The other in my hair. And I have to say! With his beard tickling my lips and cheek. Its like little shots of electricity going through my skin. I bring my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck "Trisha" no! "Tri-trisha" he chuckles and manages to lean back "we can't... not yet" his thumb strokes up my thigh and its not helping! "Trust me, if we could-"
"You dont want to?"
He stares me in the eye and takes my hand... where's he... ok... "does it feel like I don't want to?"
... I mean... I didnt know they got so... whats the word... swollen? "I uh... I think you've hidden more than I thought" he smiles and stroked my hair back "so we need to behave?"
"Well, we're not exactly in private Trisha"
I look around the throne room "ok... so no sex in public?"
He laughs and shakes his head at me "surely you have some limits"
I nod "yeah. I wouldn't have sex in a busy room... how about sex in a place thats not busy?"
"You are a wonder to behold Trisha... I tell you what... when we get married-"
"When! We get married. If the opportunity comes that we can have sex without anyone noticing.... I might be up to try"
I laugh and lean forwards "I've changed you"
"Yes, you have. For better or worse is yet to be seen"
Really?! I push him and he just chuckles "well! It seems my queen. You have me on my knees already. You have your throne. Now I just need you to marry me"
What? I look behind me... oh that sod! Im sat on my fathers throne "yeah well that one wont be as simple as you being on your knees or me sitting down"
"I dont expect anything less... now... I have to go" he gets back to his feet "I'll be back as soon as the coronation's done"
"I should be there"
"No. You have a lot to do here. You have your own coronation to sort anyway" he takes my hand and pulls me into him "you've done amazing Trisha. You should be proud of yourself"

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