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"I'm not going"
"Yes, you are. You need to make your presence"
Pip leans against the bed chuckling "come on Trish. I'll be getting all dressed up"
"I'm not going" I look around at all the colours "and even if I did. I wouldn't wear any of these! Forget it" I fall on the bed. Argh! Why does he have to make me feel bad! "I will come... but I'm going in my armor"
"Trish... you are the queen of Tisban-"
"No I'm not. Not yet"
"But when you are. You're going to be expected to act like it. Wear gowns. Attend functions... you need to be getting used to these things"
No I dont. Have I thought this through... really thought this through? Once I get the kingdom back, I'm going to have to attend functions. Deal with other kingdoms... get married... is that really what I want? "What if all this is a mistake?"
"What do you mean?" Pip sits next to me
"I'm not a queen... I'm not even a lady, that's for sure"
Toby looks back at me "you dont want it back?"
"I dont know... I'm not made for this"
"Yet you was born for it"
"I was a different person"
"is that necassarily a bad thing?"
I lie back looking at the ceiling. Is it such a bad thing? "I'm not what they want as a leader. Look at them all. They know how to solve a problem without actually doing anything... their word fixes everything... I cant do that! What's the point in making promises they dont keep?"
Tony smiles down to me. Then his smile slowly fades from his face "and that, my queen. Is what makes you my queen" what?! I look up to the window. Harjo is sat there on the balcony, lazing around like he's been part of this conversation the whole time! "I see Alberts trying to uh... thrill you up" he laughs as he takes a lacy sleeve of a dress "I never knew you was a doll"
God damn it! "See! Even the dog knows what the mans doing! I'm not going"
"The dog, shouldn't be here! I know you dont want to dress up Trish, but your asking these people to fight with you...what if you come in your armour?"

I hated when he was right. I hated how Im being gawked at by everyone in the room because im not dressed prim and proper, but like Im on duty.
I guess everyone's shocked by the lost princess. And thats more than fine with me! But I'm looking around waiting for something to happen. I can feel the elven blades cold against the skin of my back. And everything has me on edge.
And I think I now know why. I noticed her keep looking my way, but so was everyone. I shouldn't have expected anything of it, but here she comes. Prince Justins future bride. And she has a smile that looks as real as a paintings "Princess Patrisha. I do not believe we've been formally introduced! My name in Lady Olivier. Prince Justins wife to be" of course shes reminding me.
I nod. How did I do this back then? "Its a pleasure to meet you"
She chuckles like were old friends and puts her arm through mine "I must say, I admire your... whats the word... bravoury to come as you wished. I honestly do!" Of course you do "and ignore what everyones saying! Its really respectable you come as yourself"
"It sounds like your more worried about what they have to say than I am... I'm not here to get approval"
She laughs "but of course you are! You've come here to ask the king to use his men and quite possibly die for you"
"If that's what you believe. Its you, who is mistaken" I take my arm away from hers and step back "I asked the king for help. I do not expect, any, man to fight for me if they do not want to. I know what I'm asking is a lot... but dont for one second try put the mens lives on my shoulders"
Her prim smile quickly leave her face. And the scowl is something the Lycons would be proud of "I have to say, your everything I thought you'd be... when I heard you was alive I knew youd be a spoilt little brat, just like when you was a child"
HA! "You didn't know me as a child... and spoilt is the furthest thing I am... tell me Olivia... what exactly makes you a lady... because if you're highborn or not... I am soon going to be a queen... and if this is how, you, think you should speak to, anyone! I suggest you take a long look in the mirror. Because if I was any other queen. Youd be in some shit" her eyes go wide at that. I suppose shes not used to laungage "I dont care what you think of me Olivia... but do not come at me like that again"
She stares at me, looking me up and down "to start with. I was worried maybe Justin would call off the wedding... now I know thats not a concern at all"
She turns and stomps away. And I want to laugh. Silly women.
Yet, I cant get rid of the hot feeling. I almost feel mad, but I feel like everyones watching me and I dont like it!
And she goes over to Prince Justin and shes obviously mentioned me because he looks over. And that hot feeling just runs through me. How did that silly women get me so worked up!
I turn away from everyone and try leave the hall but my arms grabbed "Trish, where are-" I pull the blade from my back and point it at him. Harjos eyes gleam and he smiles "you want to play my queen?"
He chuckles "come on then"
He leads out the room and I look at the attention we've drawn. I didn't even realise Justin had come over until I see him there with his hand on the hilt of his sword. And he just nods at me in question... he really needs to adapt to me. But I nod back to reassure him.

"How do you want to play my queen?" He takes his shirt off. Throwing it to the ground. Standing there with his bare chest. Scars run all over his body. And I know they've come from him dominating. It's what he does. He's not where he is with his kind, through heritage. Not like us "keep looking at me like that love and I'll be tearing your clothes off as well! I always hated you in them fairy clothes"
I cant help but laugh "you hate me in any clothes"
"That is true... so how do you want to do this?"
"No killing eachother"
He smiles "I can keep that rule" he clicks his back and falls to his fours. His skin being covered with fur. I pull out my blades and keep them pointed to him. Lycons are unpredictable with attacks. He jumps at me and I role out of the way. Hitting his hind leg with the face of the steel. He circles around me again. And this time. I take his advance. Kicking at him but his paw brushes my leg away and he bites into my trousers. And flings be to the side. But I get to my feet quickly. And he's already there. Trying to grab at me. I jump and grab a branch, swinging over him. And with him concentrating on me. He crashes into the tree. I cant help but laugh at him shake it off.
He jumps at me quickly and I'm ready this time! I grab his neck and twist. Pinning him to the ground. Yes!
No! He uses his back paw to kick me away. Catching my face. And I can feel the burning feeling of blood and the pulsing of the bruise. I look back at him and I see the regret in his eyes breifly.
I chuckle "oh please" I kick out at him again. Catching his nose and I hear him yelp. But im to focused on my attack to worry too much. My blade actually catching his arm and chest. Damn! I wasn't meant to get him like that! But I'm not going to make his mistake. I'll apologise when were done.
And we went for half an hour. Giving and recieving blows. But neither of us backing down. And it's been exactly what I've needed. Not very many things can last half an hour in a one on one.
Both of us bleeding a bit of everywhere. I block his attempt of biting at me and take out his front paws. He growls and jumps up at me. His fur turning to skin as he pins me to the tree. Sweat and blood glisten his body. His breathing rapid like mine. And now he's in his human skin. I can see it more. His eyes still fierce.
"Are you done fighting me my queen?" I think I am. And he knows it. His bidy forceful on mine as I get pushed back into the tree. His face on mine. His hot lips heavy on mine. The salty taste mingling on my lips. His hand curling into the small hairs at the back of my head. Taking the band and snapping it. Letting my hair full down my back.
He tilts his head and for a second I nearly fight him off. But I dont.
The taste of his tongue is beautiful. And it's hot. Just like mine.
But I dont like him dominating me.
I put my leg behind his and twist him. Falling over so he's now on his back. He looks up at me shocked "i see how it is... you get your-"
"Shut up" I straddle him. Pulling his face back to mine.
And the growl at the back of his throat ribrates through me. Reminding me of the animal he is. He sits up. Bringing my legs around his sides. His arms around my waist. He pulls away and groans "for fuck sake... what do you want dipshit?"
What? I look up and Justins just stood there... shit! "I was checking Princess Patrisha was alright... but I see everythings fine. I apologise I interupted" he turns and walks back to the castle... oh god!
"Trish, no, no!" He groans as I stand up. Lying back on the ground and puts his arm over his eyes "I fucking hate that man!"
"He shouldn't have seen that"
He looks at me "why? Why should he not have seen that? All they are to you now is an army Trish. You're not promised to him. You have no commitments to anyone here!" I know that "right. I have just made a decision. I will control all my men. We are going to the fairies and you are going to ditch these..." he laughs "I'm trying really hard to be polite about them. Really"
"What have they done thats upset you so much?"
He stares at me like its obvious "you are kidding right? That scum of a 'king' wanted to start a war for your kingdom! And to stop it brought you Trish... and that... boy! Well he's so up himself he needs to fucking fall on his face to realise that he is, only, human"
Only huh "so am I"
"Thats not what I meant. You-"
"Thank you for fighting with me. I hope it wasn't to much of a chore" this humans walking away.
"Trish! Come on, I was- fuck!"

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