Chapter 14: punishments

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"What have I even done to be punished?" I hit his chest in rage.

"As if you didn't even see what you did a minutes ago".

"That was self defence and what are we doing outside? Let me go!"

All I saw him do was smirk before....

"As you wish".


Jungkook's pov

I threw her in the swimming pool and turned to leave. Serves you right for kicking me in the balls bitch. That is until she yelled out those words that I didn't wanna hear.

"I-I can't swim!"


And there I was, diving in the pool to save her precious ass from drowning. I lifted her by her hips to pulled her back on the surface for air when she started chocking.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"Don't give me that attitude, that's not how you should speak to your employer".

"Oh yeah? And this is how you should treat your employee huh? Pathetic".

Feisty, I like it.

"Bitch you chose to go to your parents place without my consent".

"That's because I miss them. I don't need your approval, you asshole". She pushed my chest without realising and sank right in the water. Luckily my grip on her hips was good enough to save her.

"Can you just stay still?".

Jesus, my muscles are getting a good workout.

"No! Because I'm mad right now and I want to know the reason behind not being able to meet my family".

Here we go again.

"Because I said so".
I replied.

Actually the real reason is that I want them to suffer, while I execute my plans. In which the pawn would be Eunha and the game will be played dirty.

"That's not a valid reason", she scoffed.

Sometimes I just hate her talkative mouth.

"Look bitch, you do as I say. If not than get ready to meet your father behind bars."

"You can't do that", she watched me with horror.

"You have no idea what I can do Eunha, it's best if you do as said and not make your life any difficult than it is".

She didn't fuss any further.

Good, end of discussion.

Eunha's pov

I watched him in disbelief. How can he even do that? What does he even want? Can't he just leave us alone?

He moved towards the exit and pulled me out of the water. That is until he held my wrist and guided me back up stairs. We walked towards his bedroom with me totally clueless at why he would take me back there.

As soon as we got in, the door automatically closed, more like got locked.

"Um..Why am I here?" I questioned.
I'm cold, I'm wet and just want to go to bed right now. What can he possibly need at this hour of the night?

"Follow me. You're gonna help me do something".

"O-ok", and like an obedient puppy, I followed him to the....b-bathroom?

I was dumbfounded. What am I supposed to help him with here?

With me scanning my surroundings, he took of his shirt in front of me as I witnessed his 8 packs.

Oh my god. He must workout a lot to be that buff.

"Like what you see?" He smirked as I quickly diverted my eyes toward the bathtub.

Shit he caught me looking. It's not as if it was my intention to check him out. He was the one who striped himself in front of me and I had no choice but to witness him do so, in the first place.

"Don't worry, you'll feel em too".


"What?" I asked. He always manages to confuse me.

"Get in", he gestured when I finally realised what was happening.

We were going to bath together!!

"No, no, no, I can't". I resisted.

"Remember what I said about your dad? Yeah you should consider that. Besides you're helping me wash my back. That's about it so chill honey".

"But you can do that yourself you know?" I resisted even more.

He gave me a would you shut up look.

"Just get your ass in the tub".

God he's intimidating. I don't want to but I'm forced to do this.

He sat in the bathtub of water in his boxers while I got in with my maid uniform, not knowing where to lay, or like sit.

I was pulled by the wrist which resulted in me landing on his chest. Looking up I found him smirking.

*mutter* "I finally have you now".

He muttered something but it wasn't clear.

"Did you say something?" I asked.

He smirked again.

"Oh there's a lot to be said and done honey".

To be continued

His Cruel Revenge | JJK ||✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang