Chapter 16 - Lucio and Amelia

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Ash's POV

"Granny, why don't I have a granddad? All of my classmates have them and they say they are being spoiled with their granddad." The seven-year old kid in me couldn't help to ponder why don't I have grand father just like my peers. I have always been the center of tease when it comes to how awesome their grandfather was simply because I have none.

I have grown up looking forward to seeing my mom's parents, but they died before I was born, and my grandmother from my dad is the only grandparent I have known.

"Aren't I spoiling you enough Ash?" With a chuckle, my granny placed me in his lap as she retold me her story about my grandfather. Fortunately, my grandfather, according to dad is still alive, it is just that we don't know where he is or what happened to him. I know that by that age, dad is mad with his dad, for leaving my granny. Now granny is leaving on her own in her own villa with some of my other cousins. We regularly visit them, and Nate would always go with me that my granny takes her as her own grandchild as well. That's the picture that I grew up with.

Granny's love story has ended a story to tell. It is a tale as a classic love story we grew up with, it's just that, whenever I ask my granny about the ending, it is not a happy one. Apparently, my grandfather fell in love with another woman and left my granny sad and sorrowful. That is according to dad, later on, dad told me that my grandfather was actually mated to a werewolf and he can't refuse the wolf he eventually had to leave my grandma. Their family got broken as soon as granddad left them. My dad, being the eldest sibling had to work and go to school just finish his high school and help my aunts and uncles to finish their school. Grandma actually was diagnosed with depression for quite some time, but she luckily recovered through proper help and support from her children. That's the reason dad really hate werewolves and anything that is extraordinary.

I can always imagine how dad would always be furious whenever I mention granddad. However, never I have found any trace of sadness from my granny's face since I came to recognize it. Maybe because it was all the years that had passed, she managed to help herself or whatever, by I sensed no bitterness at all. Sure, she would always leave out the part of granddad leaving her but aside from that, their story is a good as it can be.

And that's the one thing I really need right now. I need to be with my granny, I need to feel her comfort. I know mom and dad are darn supportive by I don't think they will actually understand me today. It is just a good idea that It is the end of the week, so I can visit my granny at the out of town. Luckily, mom didn't probe any more questions when I asked her that I want to go grannies for the weekend. She just told me to take care.

I invited Nate to come with me, but she doesn't want to. She might just be as terrified as I am, however, she is not the one that got chased by a crazy half-human creature and got proclaimed as a mate. I have not completely understood what mate is, but it must be something important since Red managed to say it as if he was restrained.

I managed to knock three times before the door opened and revealed an aging face that is never foreign to my heart.

"Ash, I am not expecting you to be here but come on in." She looked surprised with my presence, but she recovered pretty quickly and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

I felt the warmth that I have been missing slowly engulfing me. Her love is so palpable that I can literally feel the tingles of comfort wrapping me like a cocoon in a cold December night; that is when my tears break free. One by one, healthy drops of tears slowly made a trail on my face, and a sob that I was trying to suppress is now audible. I have not noticed it by my shoulders are now shrugging with the intensity of my cries.

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