Chapter 11- Step No. 1

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5 more minutes and I'll be done, it just feels that I just got here, and now I have to leave. This place just became my third home since I started high school, my co baristas are always great and welcoming that I can't even complain even if I were to bribed. My best friend of all is Yuki. She's way older than me and currently engaged to her finance Paulo. Since I started she trained me and helped me a lot, until I learned and now I'm a primo barista.

That's enough for my workplace, for now, but I only work here every Sunday so I just love this place.

"Hey Yuki, I got to go now, time is up for me." I folded my apron and placed it carefully inside my bag while she do the same with her own.

"Utsu Kari sama deshita". We said in unison, which means, " thank you for your hard work/ nice working with you). She thought that to me and you might guess that she's japanese.

Even if I love this place, at some point I have to get out and leave peacefully. I opened the glass door for the both of us and head to the patio. Out of the blue, I saw Red's car coming to my way and with perfect accuracy, parked right in front of where I'm standing. Drivers seat opened and there he is, the man blessed with I think everything, carrying a bouquet of long stemmed roses, with a huge smile plastered in his face. I know it sounds crazy but I think he's one of the Perfect persons this world had ever created.

"What are you doing here?" I don't know why I asked that but somehow, I am excited that he came back and hopefully for me.. Sounds gayish, oh gosh, maybe I'm turning gay now, or worst, I'm gay just to begin with. I just have no freaking idea about it.

"Don't be surprised, you should had the idea already since I asked for your time off right?" He's actually right at this one. I was ecstatic the whole time I was working thinking what this guy must have in his sleeve. Maybe another dance? A picnic? I freaking no idea but the whole time, he constantly pops in my mind, trying to occupy some space even if I won't allow it.

"  Anyways, here's flowers for you". To be honest? My heart just skipped a bit about these flowers. I mean who can say no to those gorgeous, innocent luscious flowers, and to top of it, coming from a very yummy man. Did I just said yummy? God... What's happening, I need to. Act cool, play it cool and be cool.

I reached out my hands to receive it, I don't want to get branded ass rude or anything so I have to accept this.

"Ash, thanks for waiti---". Her sentenced was cut off, but it was replaced with "whoooooaaahhh! Who is this fine sushi guy over here?"..

"I'm Red, Ash's admirer, and soon to be boyfriend". I can't help it but to blush. And the fact that I know that I'm blushing coz I can literally feel the rushing of blood to my cheeks, is just overwhelming at its best.

"Funny Yuki, first, he's not a Sushi, and second, really? Sushi of all foods?" Failing miserably in my attempt to break the building eerie of awkwardness I put myself into.

"Anyways, enjoy Ash, you got to have date huh?" She winked suggestively one more time and I guess I just had a full blown blush like a red tomato..

"This is not a date". I stated as a matter of fact.

"Really? And why are you holding a bouquet of white roses?"

"Whatever, I'm going now." She just shrugged her shoulders, with with lower lips protruding, giving me the idea to keep myself believing what I believe. Hahahha. With one last wave, she hopped on to her bike and left.

"So? Let's go?" I was detached from my trance from the voice beside me. I almost forgot that he's there for a sec.

"Okay, let's go." He opened the passenger seat for me, and it felt weird. At some point, my manly side shouts offence coz our manliness was just get busted, but a small portion of me says that he's so charming, and sweet and caring for him to open the door for us.

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