Chapter 7- First Dance

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Ash's POV
Loud music banged my ears as I opened the service car Nate and I had rented for the night. Thanks to her father. All expense paid. I mean come on. I'm her best friend even God knows how long. We got each other's back and so our parents.

I walked to the other side of the car and opened the door for Nate. She's wearing this long pearl white gown, full of beads I must say, which perfectly hugs the perfect curve she has. Gosh, too many perfect in one word. What can I say, this beautiful woman right by my side is perfect. If we are not best friends, I'm sure as hell gonna date her.

Well as for me, since I'm going to have a special role tonight, just wearing a plain tux. I usually come with my org shirt or same as that before but I told you, tonight is a different night. And aside from this, I just know something is going to happen. It's on my chest. Usually this is just a normal night but something bugs me tonight and when it happens, most of the time it is true.

We silently moved our way to the crowd. It's an auditorium so we got to use the runway shall we? All eyes are laid upon us as we transverse the endless hall, and I admit, even if I'm used to being the center of attention, this time I can't help but to feel a little anxiety with all this scrutinizing eyes eyeraping me and Nate. Yes, I know most of these people are my friends or at least they know me, and that what makes it more complicated, they know me.

All thanks to Nate's moral support, we got to the other end of the hall where the pictorial is being held. It seems like endless cameras are all over eyes just like the red carpet at Hollywood awards. But don't get me wrong, it's just some fans and of course the school paper staffs.

Nate and I went to our designated Table. We waited there, had our snacks until my part of the program comes. So far so good. The program went smoothly. A message from the current chair, opening message from principal Benner. And Nate and I are not really talking with each other. This is the type of nights that Nate transforms to her more civilized personality. I learned it from years of being with her. She maybe jolly and all but when it is formal, she's really formal.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, to officially open the sports festival this year, here is our very own former council chair, Mr. Ash Jacob Schneider". That is our cue now.

I offered my hands for Nate to hold unto and we made our way to the Center of the court. And as if on cue, a soft mellow music started to play, lights when out and a spot light put me and Nate into the Center of the night's event.

"Shall we?" I asked Nate. It might be my first time and as far as I remember, this is her second time. She always got invitations like this. She's one hell of a pretty woman that's why.

"Of course Ash". And with that, I hold her waist and she on my strong shoulders, and with a beat, we started to sway to the sweet music playing from the booming speakers all over the auditorium. I'm really glad that it was Nate that I got to dance tonight or else I won't be able to do it.

Soon enough we were joined by others until the whole auditorium was filled with students dancing sweetly. The spotlight is no more on us, but some lights were now turned on, giving the sweet ambiance all over the auditorium.

"Hey, can I have a dance with you?" I was smiling with Nate when we heard the manliest voice that hunts my nights these days. I think it was a mistake when we decided to look who it belongs to because here he is, the guy that made this turmoil in my heart tonight. The composed self I am projecting is now starting to tremble and there is no way that I can stop it. He stands in his glory, freaking taller than me, with his white tuxedo, and a boat tie. Oh my, what an eye candy this man is. And when my eyes captured his, everything else in the room became blurred, only him and me matters, and even for a brief second, I forgot that Nate is with me. Oh my and this kissable lips he has that had my knees trembling, smirking and all of this. I'm running out words to describe him because he's just simply majestic.

I was still in my trance when I felt a soft nudge on my shoulder and that's when I feel like I'm  back to earth, Nate is still in my arms and  like the fool that sometimes I am, I tried to remember what he just said. Oh yeah, he asked if he can have a dance. Well maybe with Nate. I don't know but that had me disappointed. Somehow I wished that it would be me, but come on Ash, this guy might be straight for all you know and the last time you check you got dick too and you never dated a guy before.

"Oh sure. I'll just be in the table Nate". I kissed her in the cheek but I didn't waited for her to answer and turn around to find my way back to our table.

But I was spun around faster than my reflex to escape from whoever the assailant was. I feel like my body suddenly bumped into something hard but not the cement type of hard but more likely the hotness type of hard.

"Not so fast Ash." My brain cells refused to communicate with me the moment I laid my eyes upon his angelic face. It then hit me, I was in his chest, looking up to his gorgeous eyes and and a smirk is now facing me. Oh god, what is this man doing to me? Is he gay or something? Because I'm honestly confused now. Confused with my own sexuality, and confused of the mix signals this guy sending to me.

"Uhm, what exactly are you doing? Nate is over there?" I'm pretty sure he is able to understand what my words even if the music is so loud. I mean, we are barely inches apart although I distanced my self a little, his freaking strong arms are tightly wrapped around my waist, caging me to his front, and god knows how secured I felt in his presence, while he invade my very own personal space.

"Let me tell this Ash, you're in my arms now and there is no way that I will let you go, at least tonight". (Play music please) And with that, I felt his arms secured even tighter and it leaves me no choice but our bodies to touch together in passion that a normal friends would never do, more likely, couple would do. Me, with my arms on my side, no one can blame me really, where is he expecting me to put my arms? In his freaking chest? Or shoulders? Come on, the last time I checked I was a man too.

"Don't be shy Ash. Just don't overthink things for now ok? Now let me help you." Red grabbed my tangling hands and put them on his chest. It was like moments ago when it was Nate's soft hands on my shoulders and now, mine is on someone else's . And where the hell is Nate now? I glanced to my surroundings, goodness gracious, most of the students are now looking at us, some are oblivious but seriously, these ones  around me are looking at us. Thanks to the dark night and few lights, I can hide the crimson shade that starts to grow on my cheeks. I mean, it is not everyday that a guy, not ordinarily handsome at that, is holding you on your waist, and now, starting to sway with the music. And don't forget the fact that I am straight, or that is what I choose to believe.

But guess what. Maybe he's right. I maybe overthinking things as of this moment. I mean, what is so wrong about two people dancing together? Well, maybe aside from the fact his arms are in my waist and mine are in his chest, though we are basically looking like we are straddling with each other, I'm basically civil and certainly I don't want to make a scene, especially tonight.

And with that, I blocked all the negativities in my mind, put my head at rest in his chest. This looks so gay, but it feels so right to do it at this specific time. I tried to look at the distant couple and found a smiling Nate. We may have been best friends, and I know she'll bug me after this stunt but I know for a fact that she will keep her mouth shut until the time being.

"That's it baby, that's where you are belong, in my chest, and try to hear the sound of my beating heart, screaming your name." He whispered in my left ear, while im on his chest. He may not had realized but I'm fully aware of what he said, even he tried to hide it in music but the sweetness of his words are lingering in me and yes... I want to hear it. At least for now. For once, I'll enjoy this and just to think of what tomorrow could say.


There you go people. I'm really thankful to those who are reading this and giving me comments and votes. I am very sorry for the late updates, yes, it took me months but now, I guess Im inspired if you all supports me.

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