Chapter 10- Asking Permission

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Nathalie's POV

"Sweetie, someone is here, he's in your class he said" that's my dad shouting from the living room.

"Coming". I replied back, closing my MacBook. It's Sunday, and as far as I know, I have no date today. Plus, Ash is working today at the cafe so I am totally clueless of whoever this unexpected guess is. Checking out my appearance in my life-size mirror, I got contented with my knee-length plain pink skirt and my pink tee.

What, or rather who, I saw sitting in our couch had me posted at the top of our stairs. What the hell is he doing here? I mean, we were not really close, I'm just "feeling close" with him because Ash told me so... This guy is a hottie but too bad because if my girl instinct is right, he's gay. But what is this gay guy doing in my house? At 9am in a freakin Sunday morning?

Be good Nate, that what Ash told you.

"Hey, Red, what can I help you? Have a seat anyways". I gestured the couch which without hesitation he occupied. I joined him shortly, curious as to what brings this guy over here.

"Okay, there is something that I really wanted to tell you, I'm just waiting for the right time." Without a doubt, he is dead serious of what he's about to say base on his facial expression.

"Okay sure, would you want to talk about it here? Or you want to grab a coffee outside?" I instantly thought about the Cafe where Ash works. This will be fun.

"Yeah sure, it's just around 5 minutes from here".

And with that, I bid goodbye to my dad, and when I confirmed his permission I hurriedly  changed into something casual. I mean I still have to look good, right? Someone out there might caught my attention and I want to make a good first Impression.

The drive was rather odd and awkward that you can taste the awkwardness in the air. So I decided to break the silence both for our benefit.

"When you said something you wanted to talk about, is it about Ash?" With still the seatbelt on, I tried looking at his side, his eyes still glued to the road.

"Yes. All about him. And maybe you too, but can we just talk about it when we are there already?" Ok geez, this guy is serious, that got me worried and ecstatic at the same time.

"Sure, as you wish". I shrugged my shoulders, and direct him to the cafe that I want, surprisingly, he's getting excited, with his smile, as if he knew where we are heading. Don't tell me He knew that Ash will be there?


Red's POV

I can't help it but to smile. With the thought of my mate this morning, I extend my stay in my shower, and now, having breakfast at the cafe where my mate works? Whoah, this is a double blessing to me.

Upon opening the door for Nate, I was instantly drowned with my mate's natural scent, mixed with coffee aroma. And like a déjà vu, I felt my pants tighten with the thought my mate doing naughty things on me. Shit shit shit. This is public place and I shouldn't be thinking this kind of thing.

"Hey Red, hello, are you just gonna stand there at the door?" Nate is already, lining up at the bar.

It gave me no choice but to ignore my boner and line as well. Too bad it wasn't my mate who is at the cashier but he is making drinks right now. He quite preoccupied right now, and I get jealous of the drink, it gets more attention from my mate than I do.

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