Chapter 8- He challenged an Alpha

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Ash's POV
"Don't you dare deny truth from me Ash. You know how crazy I can get". Nate spits venom with her words as she tries to leech out of me the information she demands. We are now at my room, after of the event last night, we were fetch by the driver around 12 am, we spent the rest of the night at my cozy crib. Don't get me wrong but I used the sofa while Nate used my bed. It really has no malice for the both of us since we always do this. Me spending the night at her house and she at mine.

My eyes are still heavy to open but I know in my inner depths of emotion that I'm fully aware of what Nate is bursting about. She wants to know what had transpired the night before.

Hiding my face from the wrath of an angry Nate, I shielded my face with the feather-like soft of my off-white pillow and turned my back from Nate.

"I'm still sleeping". I responded back, faking a yawn afterwards. I know she'll not going to buy it but who cares? It's not as if there's harm in trying, well in this case, harm may be a possible outcome if I continue to deny Nate of what she's asking for.

"I know you're fully awake, and yes I know what you're thinking right now and yes, you'll get harmed if you still pretend."

What a witch. I cursed in my mind.

"And don't you dare voice out whatever curse you have in your mind Ash"

And with that I have no choice but to turn to her and peek from one side of my pillow.

"How can you possibly read my mind?" I was really amused that she knew exactly what I'm thinking.

"Hello? We're like twins, siblings from the same umbilical cord but born from different mothers so now shut the F up and narrate to me what happened, without skipping any juicy detail. Got it? Every single detail or else, you're going to regret." She's now sitting at the edge of my bed, with her feet dangling at my little chair and a pillow on her lap as if waiting for a fairy tale story from an old grandma. 

"Uhm okay? I know sooner or later you're going to force it out of me. Even get your evil ways to me so I might as well say it now, and as you said, ( me doing quotation sign at the air) including every single juicy detail." With matching rolling eyes, I sat at the other side of my couch and relived what happened last night.

Red's POV

I can't help it anymore. That should be me holding his hand, that should be me holding his waist, it should be me in his side and not that woman. I know she's special to him but seriously? I think she's crossing over the limits now. How dare she hold my man like that?

I can fell the crumpling of the table cloth under my strong grip but I couldn't care less. This is my mate we are talking about and this is purely torture, this is totally insane. This auditorium is killing my nose with his scent and there is nothing else in my mind but to jump on him, kiss him, let him feel my love, be safe under under my body but no. He's there, away from me, away from my longing wolf. And with that, all I can do right now is to let a long sigh and contain this mixed emotion inside of me.

"Hey dude chill out, you don't want to make a scene here, do you?" My third in command Jayden tap his hand on my right shoulder. But I couldn't care less, my eyes are still glued to my ever gorgeous mate as he perfectly timed his sway to the music they are dancing to.

Sooner or later I feel relief when I noticed most of the couples made their way to the Center, relieving My mate of the attention. From what I heard, he used to get all of this kind of attention but I don't want him to feel awkward if I do some crazy things. Crazy things that only my mate can make me do.

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