Chapter 13 Suspicions.

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Here I am now safe in the confinement of my own bedroom, covered by my blanket, thinking of what had happened just hours ago. Whatever that was, it was beyond my comprehension to the point that I am starting to believe even the impossible.  I know within myself that whatever that creature is, it was not Red whom I saw. Oh boy, even until now, the lingering stare I received from his crimson red eyes are both dangerous and comforting at the same time. Is that even possible? For something to be so dangerous and cold at the same time? Leaving me with questions and confusion.  

For the few hours that I've been home and felt relaxed I had managed to process what had just happened. It was hard but my curious mind can not stop the things that I am currently thinking. So far, what I have are these hunches and believe me that these hunches are freaking me to death. So:

1. He is not JUST Red. there's more. I can feel it. Aside from Red's physical body. I saw something with him at that time.

2. He might not be human after all. Certainly no human can exude that dangerous aura. When he punched that Ivan, his physical power was more than any human can possess.

3. Why do I felt safe and comforted when he stared right into my eyes? This is the most disturbing though of all. For me to feel safe and comforted in the eyes of danger. 

So far, all of these are very hard to deal with.  Who knows what he might do to me or my school mates. I can't even think about that right now. He doesn't seem to be that dangerous, is he? Oh my! I'm such a terrible friend.  I left Nate there. What if they did something to her? What if he killed her? I can't think about it. I need to know if Nate is safe. I need to call her.

I didn't even have to think about all the worst scenarios before my phone buzz, indicating that Nate is calling me. I hid my whole body under my bed sheet and clicked accept.

"Hel-" I wasn't even finished saying hello before a mad and shouting Nate cut me off.


"What are you talking about?"

"Then how can you leave me there?"

"There? Why? Where are you now?"

"I'm home now Ash, thanks for asking". I can definitely feel the poison of her sarcasm and it's clear to me that Nate is very much pissed right now. If there's one thing I learned from this friendship is that you don't deal with a pissed off Nate. The witch can skin you alive for F's sake and being skinned alive is the least thing I want to deal with right now.

"So tell me what happened after I left?"

"Well, Mr. after your parents fetched you, the gang tried to calm down Red. He looked very pissed off that they have to bring him somewhere. I have no idea where but I was not able to see him"

"And?" I am very eager to know what happened next.

"And of course, seeing that you left already and I am alone, I called my parents too to have a cab pick me." That explains why she is at home.

"What about you? Why did you out of the blue went home?" She asked me and honestly, I don't now any way to tell her of my observations. But It is still early to conclude about all of these. For all I know Red was just really mad and for the reason that I have no idea what.

"Anyways Ash, I am tired now with all these dramas. We have only been there for four hours and home. It was useless really."

"Okay, good night Nate, see you at school on Monday?"

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