Chapter 6- The Festival dance

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Nathalie on the Pic

Ash's PoV


It was the day of the opening festivals for the sports event in our school. Not that much to expect but most of the students are pretty much excited and of course I'm no exemption. Let's just say that this year is much easier for me. I am no longer the student president therefore I got to enjoy the festival as much as I can as a normal student. Nate had made plans already about how we should enjoy the whole festival but for me, what this festival has to offer, I will take it wholeheartedly. After all, exams went well for me I can feel it so why not give in to the enjoyment as a youth right?

Today's event only includes the opening parade and officially opening of the festival while tonight is a campfire for the students organized by the student council. I'm proud to say that it was a tradition I started 2 years ago and now, they are continuing my legacy.

I was enjoying my peppermint ice cream when I was tackled and forced to drop my scoop of ice cream. What a waste. I sent a final sad look on the smash cone and now melting ice cream on the ground.

"Poor little ice cream". I just sigh and faced an angry Nate. She's wearing this pink skirt she always proud of, matching with her black dress and nice make up. She's a little pissed as I can see because she had both of her hands on her waists while her eyebrows are almost on the same line. I know it's the other way around. She spilled my ice cream but she's the one pissed off. I already have the guess why and I expect it in
"Why the hell you didn't tell me that your already here? And why the hell you are eating ice cream without me? And why are you smiling like an idiot there? The parade is already starting". Half screamed when she retaliated all of it. Jeezzzz, she even caught attention of some students. Others just don't minded it but others sent me sympathetic glances, thinking that maybe she's my girlfriend and I fucked big time, haha. But they are all wrong. If I hadn't known her since I was circumcised I will think the same but Nate and I know that none of these is true. It's just her and her usuall illusion of us being together and having some sort of fight.

"Oh come on baby, I'll know you will forgive me because I know you love me." I answered back when she looked at me sternly. This is so usual for us. This is something we love with each other, we got to play roles in public without them realizing it. And most of the time, they bought it that's why the rumours that Nate and I are in relationship never die down.

"So, I heard that you're going to the opening dance later as a special guest?" She asked me when we started to join the parade and end up our scene. I haven't told her yet but I guess the rumours spread like fire and she now knew it.

"Yeah, I actually tried to surprise you." Then I explained to her why I got the a special guess. You see since I give up presidency last year, they decided to give me the opportunity to open the event later. It is usually opened by someone popular in school. Popular in any field. Aside from being good friends with the current council I really want to come to this event as a regular attendee and not having any major obligations.

"Oh please Ash, it's not a surprise for me anymore, I had my dress prepared since last week."

"Why the hell did you prepared that early?" I was confused.

"Duh, because I was certain you got to open the dance and of course, who would you invite for a date but this lovely lady over here." Pointed at herself with matching a flick of a hair, so confident woman, so confident but she's right. I got no one to invite as a date but her. I mean, come on, all of the guys are going to drool over here later.

"Why do I get this feeling that it's you who gave hint to student council about me?" I tried to probe her because knowing her, she could had suggested the idea to Stacy, about me being the guest. Stacy is the current chairperson and as what Nate had told me, Stacy is hitting on her which she gladly entertain but knowing her. One of these days Stacy is going to be broken hearted. Poor guy.

We spent the whole afternoon visiting the kiosks around the school campus. Food stalls, school governments and organization booths, souvenir items et ce Tera. It was a fine afternoon, there were lots of visitors from other high schools some of them are my friends so invited them to attend the dance festivals.

Nate and I ended our journey earlier because she said that she has to prepare her dress, her make up, her beauty rest, her nail, everything. I can't blame her. Being the popular woman that she is, she has to keep her image which in my opinion is not a problem after all. I love her for who she is.

Waiting for the next bus to arrive, I noticed a group of guys coming. The new guys I remember, although I'm not talking with them, I can recognize them because they are always together with Red. Surprisingly Red is not with them today. I wonder why. He's always with them wherever they go. And speaking of the hot guy, I haven't seen him for days. He must be busy.

"Uhmmm. Hi." One of the guys wave at me.

"Hello?" It sounded like a question because seriously this is the first time that they talk to me.

"Someone asked us to give this to you". He timidly handed me a folded white paper.

"And who might be the sender." I'm a little confuse here. I know I usually get something like this but come on, from them? Are you serious author? Haha.

"Just read it Ash. We are living anyway."

They left me without another word. And they know my name although I'm not surprised about that.

"See you later." That's all that is written on the paper. I just assumed that this is from the same person who sends me cards and chocolates sometimes. I honestly got used to it already that I usually expect it every Monday and some other day in a week.

I guess whoever that person is, he is ready to reveal his or her personality. I really don't mind about it. The person seems so friendly and sweet and I like to have more friends so I have no big issue.

Author's Note

Ok I know it has been a while. I went to Montreal and really I love the place. I hoped I could meet my mate there but I got nothing. Hehe. Enjoy guys..

My  Wolfie Love (boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя