Okay, come on, I'm not that bad.

"Bye, sir," I chirp cheerily, getting up after receiving another glare from him.

Man, calm down with the glaring. Don't want them eyeballs to fall out now, do we? Well, maybe he doesn't.

I wouldn't mind.

I make my way out of the classroom and towards my locker, dumping my heavy, boring things in there and slamming it shut, basking in the glory of silence!

Until I turn the corner towards the principal's office, where someone barges into me, almost knocking me flat to the ground - but they don't, thankfully.

"Ouuuuch," I huff, glaring at the wall--ahem, person. And then my eyes widen.

Arsen Reed. Oh, my God. The asshole.

"Can you watch where you're going?" He snarls, glaring at me. I immediately do a double take.

Me? Me?! ME?!

"Well, excuse me, but I wasn't the one running a marathon in the school hallways," I retort, making him narrow his eyes.

"You have no idea who you're talking to," He mumbles, his voice inhumanly cold

"Okay, either you're saying that so I can remind you who you are - in case you've forgotten or something - or you're calling me blind," I say, this time glaring back at him.

The look that flashes across his eyes frightens me a little because I know better than to make somebody angry. Especially him.

Although, he looks hot...

Wait, ew. If he weren't so gorgeous--

Shut up, Xanthe, he's not worth it.

Wow, now I'm talking to myself.

"Talk to me like that one more time, and you won't have a mouth to talk with," He growls, taking a menacing step forwards.

I hate to say it, but that definitely intimidated me.

My eyes widen a little at how close we are and I immediately start to think of the possible outcomes if he moved a tiny bit closer.

Amber. He's got amber eyes. Like fire, almost.

My new favourite colour.

Ugh, he's manipulating my brain. Is it supposed to be hurting?

Wait, can brains even hurt?

"What are you gonna do? Kidnap me?" I snort.

I don't cry at intimidating Arsen Reed - I'm fierce and powerful! In my own way, of course.

We don't need no man, girl!

Perfect, still talking to myself.

He suddenly moves back, a calculative look on his surprisingly emotionless face.

What did I say? Wait...he's not actually considering the kidnapping thing, right?!

"Yeah, I'm going to kidnap you," He mutters, so seriously that I'm afraid he may be telling the truth. But then he walks away.

For a minute, my eyes widen and I start to think about all the things he'll do if he does, let's say, kidnap me:

1. Enslave me; although why would he need to?

2. Kill me; nah, that's too simple for someone like him.

3. Slaughter me, take out my internal organs and sell them to a black market; yeah, this seems more like it.

My Possessive Criminalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن