Chapter 43: *Filler* Letters to Mamoru (Part 2)

Start from the beginning



So much has happened since my last letter. I can't even begin to explain.
My crew had made it to Sabaody Archipelago. I had just managed to see Rayleigh when everything went down hill.
I don't know what all happened because something triggered a good amount of memories.
Maybe I should first say that I remember my name. My actual name. Mitsu. But it's weird, because I've been going by Katsu for so long... I just don't feel like Mitsu is me anymore. It's hard to explain. I'm a little lost.
Also, we were wrong on how old I am. I'm actually a year younger. So I'm actually 16... does that mean I wasn't supposed to leave the island yet? Since you told me I wasn't supposed to go until I was 17. Whoops.
Anyway I know my mom now- well I remembered her. Sayomi. She was a beautiful woman, who was kind and loving and understanding. I didn't realize how much I miss her until I actually remembered her.
I also remember I have a twin. How terrible am I that I forgot my own twin and my mother? His name is Sato, and he was the opposite of me. Always composed and calm and thinking things through. I'm not sure if he's still like that. I also have a adoptive brother. Makoto, he was a funny looking kid and was very soft spoken. I felt like I had to stick up for the both of them, since I was the little brute of the family. Once again, I don't know if he's still the same after all this time.
I never knew my dad. Mom always told us that we can't know who he is. For all of our safety, so I'm assuming he's some crazy guy.
Anyway, I got enough memories back to know a few things. Mom is dead, though I'm sure you know that much. Sato and Makoto, my brothers, were taken after mom's death. And Shanks came to pick us up, though he only got me. He was going to take care of us since mom was gone. That didn't turn out of course as... well you know. You got me instead, and thats all the memories I got.
When I got these memories back, I was separated with my crew. I managed to land on an island, and surprisingly I met this lady that claims to be your sister. She's going to help me get back to my crew.
Mamoru. I think you should try to contact her. She really seems to miss you. And she isn't spiteful towards pirates anymore. I think maybe you should reach out to her. She remindes me of you. She even makes sure this island is safe for everyone too.
In case you decide to send a letter or something, the island is the Artist Haven. I'm sure you'll know what to do from there.

Mit-- Katsu.



    You're too cheeky! Check yourself and stop trying to cause fights through your letters you little brat!
     Yume is doing fine, she misses you though, and she is proud of you. Also, the bar is fine. I can run it perfectly well without your help. Though I have noticed it has seemed less loud since you've been gone. I didn't realize how loud you are.
     That Captain of yours sounds like a handful. Though I assure you, all the best captains are. He's worth it, even if he cheats at tag.
    Don't be blaming me for your poor money management skills! That's all on you! Stop being irresponsible and watch how you handle money! Though, if I did give you some advice, it would be to be very nice to Nami. She controls the money, you never want to be on the bad side of the one that controls the money. I will not be paying anything towards your debt. That's all on you.
    I knew Robin was intelligent. You didn't need to compare my intelligence to her. You would be considered stupid too if you compared your intelligence to her. Though Yume is glad you have found someone to go to when you need.
    I'm personally skeptical of Franky and Sanji. Franky is a self proclaimed pervert from what I remember. And Sanji is clearly a pervert as well. You will do well to watch those two, more particularly the cook. It's great you can taste his food, but don't let his flirting get to you.
    Overall, it's nice to hear that you have bonded well with your crew. I really think this was the first good decision you have made.
   On another note, I can't believe I didn't think of Shanks sooner. Well, let me correct myself. I had a hunch, but I didn't think too much into it to actually try to investigate in it. I didn't want to get your hopes up over anything. Now that I know this of course I can see the resemblance of you and Sayomi. It really makes me feel like a fool to have not seen it earlier.
   As of now, I will not speak towards any possible sibling. She cut her ties and I let it happen. It won't change. Our situation is different than others. Leave it be.
   Even if you remember your name, you're still you. You're still that little brat that skipped out on watching the bar, and set the kitchen on fire anytime you stepped in, and made the bar louder, and made everyone on this island just a little happier. It dosen't matter if you go by Mitsu, or Katsu. Though it would take some used to to call you by a different name. Don't worry so much over it, or else you'll get old.
   Be safe.

End of Chapter 43!

For some reason I really enjoy writing these! Oh! And I'm not sure if I had mentioned it before, but I incorporated Katsu's age for sure in this chapter. I don't think I had mentioned it before...

This is not edited.

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